The Antediluvians

While these vampires were embraced by the 2nd Gen Lillane well after the Biblical Flood and therefore cannot be termed ‘Antediluvian‘ in the genuine sense, each will grow into power equivalent to the god-like (and many say mythical) Cainite Antediluvians.

Lillane’s Childer are the warriors who will bring Gehenna to the Kindred.

Clan Bahari Childer

Dion, embraced 2400 BC, Kingdom of Kush, killed in combat by Angelica, 1199 AD.

Enshunu, embraced 573 BC, Babylon, is a gifted male artist who created the designs for decoration of the Ishtar Gate.

Ishtar Gate
Ishtar Gate

Dikaiosyne, embraced 304 BC, Athens, Hellenistic Greece, after she was murdered by her drunken husband in a fit of rage. Dikaiosyne returned home to “clean out the rubbish”, then used her inheritance to build a new life for herself and her household in Crete.

Sir Brion (Simon), an Irish knight embraced 495 AD, Britain, by “Lady Leda” after he was possessed by the Morrigan.

Gwyn (Jenny), a female Celtic knight embraced 515 AD, Britain, after Gwyn died protecting Lillane from brigands on the road to Avebury. Gwyn is the Keeper of Excalibur.

Gwyn had an ongoing rivalry with Don Juan Carlos Vega y Galino, a Templar Knight revealed as an Angel and a potent wielder of True Faith, fatal for vampires. Their clashes are retold in ‘The Search‘ and ‘To Drown a Witch‘.

Wolfstead Hengisson (Craig), a 7 ft., 300 lbs Saxon warrior of impressive stature and abilities embraced 600 AD, the Viking Coast. Wolfstead is the leader of La Equinus, a very successful trade organisation based in Saragossa and source of much of Lillane’s funds.

Wolfstead Hengisson, Clan Bahari
Wolfstead Hengisson, Clan Bahari

Roland, embraced 778 AD, Roncesvaux, Pyrenees at the scene of his defeat by the Basques. Roland was Count of the Marches of Brittany and a nephew of Charlemagne, King of the Franks. Roland changed his name to Rollon to distance himself from his defeat, made famous by the epic poem, the “Song of Roland”.

Rollon, Clan Bahari
Rollon, Clan Bahari

Lillane embraced Roland on the battlefield because she recognized the reincarnated Arthur, King of the Britons, who had slipped from her grasp over 200 years earlier. At that time, the Arch-mage Merlin rescued Tyler from the teeth of an undead dragon necromancer named Varis. In return, Merlin made Lillane vow she would never embrace Arthur. Lillane waited and watched, then embraced Roland instead.

Raushan ibn Taariq (Ben), embraced 778 AD, Roncesvaux, Pyrenees (same place, same day) at the request of Lillane’s blood brother, Lucifer. Unknown to Raushan, Lucifer is Raushan’s biological father.

Raushan is a Moorish scholar and talented physician who appears to be about 40 years old. He has pale green eyes, a trim moustache and beard and wears comfortable, silken Moorish clothing. He speaks and writes Spanish, French, Latin, Arabic and Greek, and is interested in science and learning, doctoring and disease, travelling Moorish lands, food, and pursuing an ongoing rivalry with Rollon.

He dislikes harm to children, harm to those in his care and willful ignorance. Raushan can change shape, so he can alter his appearance and turn into a very large, grey falcon.

Rafi (Mike), embraced 1189 AD, Saragossa, Spain. Rafi was a captain in the King of Aragon’s army who became captain of the guard at Sadaba Castle. He wants to work on his shape changing abilities, learn more about werewolves and witches, and act as Champion for the local Verbena witches.

Angelica, embraced by Rollon 1199 AD, Saragossa, Spain. Angelica was the Emir of Seville’s daughter and is Rollon’s lover. Rollon broke one of the primary laws of Clan Bahari. By killing Lillane’s 3rd Gen, Dion of Kush, and drinking his blood, Angelica stepped up from being a 4th Gen Bahari and out from under a death sentence.

Angelica, Clan Bahari
Angelica, Clan Bahari

A German soldier (Ben), embraced 1614 AD, Hungary, who Lillane and Tyler then had to hunt down and execute in 1731 AD in the North Americas.

Jacques (Ben), embraced 1671 AD, Jamaica, West Indies. A 35 year old French pirate who assisted Lillane in escaping Captain Henry Morgan’s crewmen. In 1850 AD in New Orleans, Louisiana, Lillane and Tyler executed Jacques.

An alcoholic East End Doctor (Ben), embraced 1888 AD, London, England. The Doctor’s hand was severely damaged in a confrontation with Jack the Ripper. In 1910, in Cape Town, South Africa, Lillane and Tyler executed one of Clan Bahari’s own, again.

Sam Anderson (Simon C.), embraced 1995 AD, Adelaide, Australia. Sam is a blue-eyed blond, athletic ex-surfer with AIDS. On learning he was HIV positive, Sam stole and crashed his doctor’s Porsche. Lillane embraced Sam at the scene of the accident before the police turned up, because she recognized the Templar Knight from Spain, 1250 AD. Sam discovered that becoming a vampire cures AIDS, but at what cost? Lillane blood-bonded Sam to avoid continued wild behaviour.

Jean Claude Baptiste (Ben), embraced 1995 AD, Adelaide, Australia. Jean Claude is a hacker, gothic style, dresses all in black. Weedy, long faced, pale skin, noticeably long fingers, multi-millionaire (from family and hacking). Lillane embraced Jean Claude because she recognized one of the Musketeers from France, 1640 AD. Jean Claude likes computers and being a Goth. Dislikes governments and bullies.

Emma Martin (Suzie J.), embraced 1995 AD, Adelaide, Australia. Emma is a blue-eyed blond, very athletic. Lillane embraced Emma because she recognized the young monk from Jerusalem, 1100 AD.

Michael Winter (Simon), embraced 1995 AD, Adelaide, Australia. Michael is a blue-eyed blond ex police detective embraced by Lillane when she “crashed” an occult gathering to retrieve her illuminated manuscript from the priest.  Lillane embraced Michael because she recognized William (Bill) Mains, the 23-year-old Cornish pirate on board Captain Henry Morgan’s ship, Jamaica, 1671 AD.

Clan Bahari Ghouls

Tribune Aquila Sabinus Tatianus was made a ghoul in 83 AD, Rome. Tatianus was a Knight of the Praetorian Guard, Equestrian Order. The Roman “equites” were horsemen, the cavalry wing of the Roman Army, and the source of the Army’s officers.

He was wrongly accused of conspiracy against Emperor Domitian and sentenced to death in the arena. Lillane recognized Tatianus as the reincarnation of Theshen, her Egyptian lover, and made him her ghoul so he could survive. He changed his name to Tyler after the sack of Rome in 410 AD. More recently known as Tomas or Thomas.

Tyler, Clan Bahari Ghoul
Tyler, Clan Bahari Ghoul

Monico (Simon) – a citizen from an Imperial Roman province – was also made a ghoul in 83 AD, Rome. Monico wants to learn about sorcery and magic. He takes lessons from an Order of Hermes sage, Master Daffyd, who lives on the northern bank of the Riguel River, some distance from Saragossa. Monico is also learning as much as he can from Lucio.

Monico, Clan Bahari Ghoul
Monico, Clan Bahari Ghoul

Romegio (Michael) – a vintner and monk – was made a ghoul in 1199 AD, Saragossa, Spain. Romegio is interested in wine, women and song, the vineyards, cellar management and gaining Lillane’s favor. He is renowned for asking lots of questions, including ones that everyone else knows better than to ask.

Romegio, Clan Bahari Ghoul
Romegio, Clan Bahari Ghoul

Gwyn made her beloved Owain into her ghoul in 517 AD, and they have remained together ever since. Gwyn also made her servant Juanita into her ghoul in 1199 AD, as described in ‘To Drown a Witch‘.