Also known as “The Cornish Chalice”
Bateman family home, Falmouth, Cornwall.
Player Characters |
Non-Player Characters |
Boker, Nan – (Neil) – partner is Annie Powers | Abernathy, Molly and Martin – housekeeper and driver/gardener |
Jupiter, Andrew “Monk” – a doctor (Zoran) | Bateman, Beatrice – Sarah’s Mother |
Petherick, Col. Gary – Army Colonel in the Engineers, archetypal British Army Colonel (Mike) | van Buren, Charles – ornithologist and greenie, Australian |
Powers, Melanie, “Annie” – American, writer, novelist (Jenny) – partner is Nan Boker | van Buren, Sarah Ann – David’s cousin, also Australian |
Heale, Grania – Sarah’s maternal Grandmother | |
Paterson, Ninian and Matthew – Nimue and Merlin and their English Mastiff dog, Arthur |
Returning home with some new friends.
Dinner at Claridges, London.
“The Tempest” at Covent Gardens.
Train to Falmouth. Met by Martin Abernathy, the Bateman family retainer (with wife Molly).
Sarah’s family home outside of Falmouth, Cornwall has been haunted by a very dangerous presence. Investigations reveal a sacred Celtic chalice (Tristan and Isolde) had been stolen from Castle Dore ruins and hidden in the coal cellar by the thieves.
A Celtic faerie knight sent to retrieve the chalice killed the thieves and pursued the party after they recovered the chalice from the coal cellar. The party returned to the Castle Dore ruins, entered a small tunnel and travelled along a “ley line” to Tintagel Castle ruins.
The chalice and one hour of time disappeared while the party travelled through the “ley line”.

Mercedes Benz sports car
“Portraits” by Tyrone Powers, Kehren Boker