The Scottish Adventure

Also known as “Loch Fein”

1924 late January to February 7th – London to Gregor, Scotland and return


Player Characters

Non-Player Characters

Hughes, Myfanwie – (Jenny) Allison, Jason and German Shepherd dog, Kate
MacDonald, Sir James – Baronet (Barry) Gibson, Elaine – friend of Aletta’s
Mandiville, Maggie – English, pilot and adventuress, married to Viscomte Roland D’Amberville, left soon after arriving in Gregor to take up a job offer (Jenny) du Lac, Gwen – French Tourist
Wallace, Kingsley – antiques dealer, aka “Bernie Fink” – fence (George) McAllum, Liam  and clan – cultists
Yasmini, Aletta – (me) McGuffin, Pat
Vogul, Johann – dynamite specialist


Aletta’s friend, Elaine Gibson, asked her for help when Elaine’s father was murdered.


Aletta travelled to Gregor, Scotland to investigate the murder of Professor Gibson, Elaine’s father. He was examining the legend of a monster in the Loch which turned out to be a very dangerous water elemental known as a “waterhorse”.

Also involved were the McAllum clan, cultists using the tunnel complex under a ruined fortress on their land as a worship site. Here they summoned the waterhorse, which obtained its power from a network of standing stones around the Loch.

Cultists, elementals and standing stones all destroyed.

Injuries Suffered

Superficially injured by a shotgun blast (left shoulder).

More seriously injured by shotgun blast to right side between hip and ribs.

Very serious shotgun injury to the stomach.

When well enough to travel spent two weeks in London Hospital, then returned to the party in Gregor but took no further action.