The Summer Country

A land of enchantment and perfect beauty. The plain is covered by a soft, close nap of emerald green grass which is interspersed with gold, mauve, violet, blue, pink, amber and orange flowers blazing like tiny stars. The sky is perfect blue, the sun a gigantic shimmering ball of molten copper. Fallen leaves as vibrant in colour as before they fell from the trees crackle and rustle underneath the feet.

The river is slow, serene and deep as it sings its way sweetly to the sea. On the far side of the river climbs rampart over tower of mountains, pine-covered and snowy at the tops. The white of the frost glints agonizingly like sharp diamonds in the sun. The light is clear and vivid, the air dangerously invigorating.

The Summer Country is an idealised and perfect version of Anfar Refinli itself, a land without sickness, calamity or old age. All people are beautiful. The sun always shines, the birds always sing. Entry from Anfar Refinli is through a cave in the forest. At the mouth of the cave stands a tree laden with silver flowers in whose branches birds sing sweetly and forever.


From Anfar Refinli to the Summer Country and back again.


Player Characters

Dannar – a knight in love with Niani (Neil)

Kyle – a thief with a social interest and a sense of humour (Zoran)

Lan – a knight, Niani’s second-in-command (Mike)

Melitha – a huntress, Lan’s wife (Jenny)

Pnessamo Boklaro Niani – an exiled noble and knight (Jenny)

Non-Player Characters

Brennos, a Knight and Epona’s Champion
Brennos will aid the party in recovering Karwin partly because he is attracted to Niani. He knows Dannar feels the same way about Niani, but that won’t stop Brennos from going after what he wants.

Culain, son of Epona and the Lord of Perfect Knowledge
Culain is the emotional and physical equivalent of a fourteen-year-old boy, but he has his own shape-changing powers. He is a fine charioteer and hero-worships Brennos. Culain also has much affection for Tintagel and believed he was helping Tintagel by frightening Voklaynn. He is very hurt by Tintagel’s attack, but will eventually realise the strength of the bond between Tintagel and Voklaynn, and will continue to adore Tintagel.

Epona, a Power, Goddess of Horses
Epona was a friend of Flidais, even though she knew of some of Flidais’ past indiscretions (hunting men, seducing them and then turning them into ugly ones). Epona is very hurt and angry by Flidais’ betrayal of their friendship and the slaughter of Epona’s beautiful fairy horses. Epona will send Brennos to retaliate and will help the party to retrieve Karwin.

Flidais, a Power, Goddess of Hunting
Flidais wishes to be the consort of the Lord of Perfect Knowledge (the Dagda). In order to gain sufficient power to overthrow the current consort, Raven (the Morrigan), Flidais wants to ally with the Elleen, the triple-headed monster who dwells under the Summer Country. To do this she must sacrifice a mage-born or magical infant boy. She knows of Tintagel’s son and wants to use him as the sacrificial victim. To obtain Karwin she has to remove Tintagel and Voklaynn, as they will try to protect their son.

Flidais ordered her ugly ones to capture and kill Tintagel, thus incapacitating Voklaynn. She then kidnapped Voklaynn and had her placed in Epona’s protective custody. Flidais’ shape-changing cranes, servants of the Elleen, watched the party after they had entered the Summer Country. Flidais will do anything to keep Karwin until the full moon. Then, at midnight, she will sacrifice him.

One of the shape-changing cranes posed as Voklaynn and took Karwin on the night of the storm.

Herne, a Power, God of the Hunt
Herne is a firm believer in love and the power of truth. He is a benevolent guardian of the forests, but he has pushed Tintagel hard in order to test his love for Voklaynn and Karwin. Herne is sympathetic and will help them and the party. He will not approve of Laurel’s defection to Raven and will punish her by releasing her to the Lands Beyond the Curtain. She will not be able to return until Herne is satisfied that Laurel has learnt her lesson. Herne did not support Laurel’s plea for Tintagel because this would have meant breaking up a loving family, not because Laurel’s desire runs against the Laws. However, Herne told Laurel to abide by the Laws.

Laurel, a Dryad
Laurel loves Tintagel and wants him for herself. She had mentioned to Culain that Voklaynn would hurt Tintagel and that perhaps Voklaynn should be scared off. Laurel has approached Herne but he told her to obey the natural laws and leave Tintagel and Voklaynn alone. Laurel then made an alliance with Raven, who said she would do something about the situation if Laurel brought her information about Flidais and what was happening at Epona’s fortress. Laurel is frightened that Herne will learn of her defection to Raven and so avoids him if at all possible.

Raven, a Power, Consort to the Lord of Perfect Knowledge
Raven will destroy Flidais if the party fails to stop Flidais from summoning the Elleen. Raven is using Laurel as a spy.


Rescue of their friend Voklaynn, her husband Tintagel and son Karwin.


Day One – Dwarven trading village south of Gernos
Day Two – Dwarven trading village
On the road to an outlying farm
At the farmhouse
Back on the road to the village
The Summer Country
At the river sanctuary of the wise salmon
At the cave in the hills
By the river – Tintagel’s explanation
Encounter with Herne
By the river – now evening – Herne’s explanations
Night – camped in a clearing some distance from the river
Day Three – The Summer Country
Epona’s fortress – midday
Main hall of Epona’s fortress – Epona’s explanations
Epona’s fortress – evening meal
Epona’s fortress – night into dawn
Day Four – The Summer Country
A forest south of Epona’s fortress
Deeper in the forest – older, cooler, quieter
Deeper still in the forest
Deepest part of the forest
Midnight – deep in the southern forest
Day Five – Journey back to Epona’s fortress
Dawn at Epona’s fortress
Day Six – Journey back to the Rainbow Cavern

Written by Jenny Hein (Niani)

Day One – Dwarven trading village south of Gernos

GM’s Note: At the market Niani and Voklaynn are approached by a stable-boy from the inn at which they are staying. A farmer from an outlying farm requires Voklaynn’s services for his son, who is very ill. After returning to the inn Voklaynn leaves her baby son Karwin in the care of Niani, then leaves the village in the company of Smudge, her Saurian guard. The farmer has already returned to his farm, leaving directions for Voklaynn with the innkeeper.

Late in the afternoon a storm descends on the village, trapping the party indoors. Late in the evening, during the height of the storm, Voklaynn returns to the inn. She is wet, muddy and in a very bad mood. She explains that the farmer’s son was sick from bad water but is recovering and out of danger. She takes Karwin from Niani’s care and retires to the room she shares with Niani.

It was a pleasant day in the Dwarven settlement. Niani and Voklaynn were trying to shop for clothes that fitted Niani’s new body. A task rather difficult, considering that even a few inches shorter than usual, she still towered over most Dwarves and humans rarely shopped for clothes here.

The stableboy from the inn came to find Voklaynn, reporting that a local farmer’s son was ill and she was needed. Voklaynn gathered up her herbs and took Smudge, intending to fly to close to the farm and then go on by foot. She was rather enjoying flying. Niani couldn’t understand it.

The threatened rain hit the town. The group sat in the inn and waited it out. Voklaynn hated the cold and. wet, and so wasn’t expected back that night. So, it was with some surprise that they saw the door open and Voklaynn enter, gruffly shaking the water from her cloak.

Niani saw to her friend’s welfare, stoking up the fire in their room and getting her out of her wet things. Niani also presented her with Karwin, who she’d taken care of in Voklaynn’s absence. Well, actually, she’d handed him onto Dannar when things got tricky. She’d never been much around children and didn’t know how to cope with a young baby’s needs. They both retired early for the night.

Day Two – Dwarven trading village

GM’s Note: Just before dawn Niani is warned by Tintagel, who approaches in her dreams, that she “let them take my Beloved and my son.” Niani wakes. The room is cold, chill air blows through the open window. Voklaynn and Karwin are gone and the warmth has long faded from their bed.

Voklaynn, Karwin and Smudge are nowhere to be found. The stable-boy did not see Smudge last night. There is no trace of tracks below the window of the room where Niani and Voklaynn were staying. There is no sign of forced entry.

Niani was in a forest. She could hear Voklaynn calling for help, but all her efforts to find her friend proved fruitless. There was a crash behind her and a unicorn leapt towards her. She had never seen Voklaynn’s lover but knew it was he.

“Why did you let them be taken?”

“You can go faster than I can,” said Niani. “Go after them and I’ll follow.” She didn’t answer the accusation. She already felt guilty.

“I can’t, I’m held myself.”

He left and Niani continued to try and find Voklaynn, but she couldn’t hear her anymore. The trees closed in around her.

Niani woke to a bitterly cold room. The window was open and Voklaynn’s bed was cold. She and Karwin were long gone.

Niani pounded on the doors of her companions as she raced downstairs. There were no tracks underneath the window, which meant they had to have been taken by a flying creature. There was no sign of Smudge.

On the road to an outlying farm

GM’s Note: The party decides to go in search of Voklaynn at the farmhouse. Half a mile from the farmhouse Smudge stands in the trees out of sight from the road. He is “waiting for Voklaynn” and gives no more information than that.

A quarter of a mile from the farmhouse Voklaynn’s medicine bag lies in bushes at the side of the road. Fresh tracks indicate that someone, possibly Voklaynn, collapsed and crawled along the road, then lay still. Some yards away bear tracks come out of the forest in front of Voklaynn, stop, then disappear abruptly. The tracks are not close enough to Voklaynn for the bear to have attacked her.

They found Smudge near the farm where Voklaynn had gone.

“Where’s Voklaynn?” demanded Niani.

“I wait for her.”

Smudge was watching down the path towards the farm. He didn’t budge – just did his annoying statue act on them.

Searching around, they found Voklaynn’s tracks. She had come from the farm, stumbled, then crawled along the path a short way, before stopping abruptly. Nearby was her healer’s bag. Close to that were the tracks of a bear that had come out of the forest, then also disappeared. The party were starting to get a bad feeling about all this!

At the farmhouse

GM’s Note: The farmer explains that Voklaynn left just before dawn. She claimed to be well protected, otherwise he would have escorted her back to the village. She stayed with his son until the fever broke, but then could not leave because of the storm. Voklaynn stayed the night at the farm. The boy is recovering well from “an illness common to children.”

They went to the farm to question the farmer, hoping for more clues. He informed them that Voklaynn had left that morning, which meant the “Voklaynn” at the inn had been an impostor. Niani felt terrible. She knew the Powers of the Summer Country were annoyed at Voklaynn for keeping Karwin and for defying the laws that ruled unicorn liaisons (meaning one of them hadn’t died!) and she had just handed Karwin over to them!

Back on the road to the village

GM’s Note: At the point where Voklaynn disappeared the party follows the bear tracks back into the forest, looking for the source of the mysterious bear. After some time tracing the bear tracks back to their source, the party notices a woman who appears to have been following them. She is the same woman who led Voklaynn into the Summer Country to retrieve Karwin.

Laurel is looking for Voklaynn as Tintagel is missing and Laurel is desperately worried for his safety. She has come out of the Summer Country to find Voklaynn and to see if Voklaynn can locate him through the “soul bond” that Tintagel and Voklaynn share.

Laurel leads the party through forest where no forest should be, to the entrance to the Summer Country. In front of a large cave stands a silver tree circled by tiny, brightly singing birds. The song of the birds will mesmerise anyone who hears it so that they forget their cares and enter the cave.

They followed the bear tracks back into the forest and soon realised that they themselves were being followed. Melitha left the group to circle around to intercept the follower.

It turned out to be Laurel. She explained that she had come to seek help for Voklaynn’s unicorn, who had been captured by the Powers – rulers of the Summer Country and its gods. Voklaynn would have been taken by the same beings.

Niani didn’t hesitate. Fight gods on their own turf? “Let’s go.”

They set off into the forest. On the way, they tried to find out more about the Summer Country. Voklaynn had been there, but they hadn’t.

“What dangers are there to watch out for?”

“Avoid cranes and ravens. They’re very bad for mortals.”

Cranes and ravens. “Anything else?”

It was like pulling teeth, she ways so vague, but they eventually got the information that they shouldn’t kill any animals unless directly attacked themselves, and shouldn’t give offence to lesser creatures.

“Who are lesser creatures?” asked Lan.

“Anyone not from the Summer Country.”

Well, that made it easy!

They travelled a long way into the forest, far longer than they knew the forest to be. Eventually, they came to a cave entrance, beside which was a small tree with silver leaves. Small birds sang in its branches. Dannar went to admire it and sat entranced until dragged away by his companions. Laurel explained that it took away cares and sometimes had that effect on mortals. Niani could see how addictive it could be.

The Summer Country

GM’s Note: The party follows Laurel into the cave which is filled with rainbow coloured crystal that gives off a soft light. At the far end of the cave the party emerges into the bright, warm sunlight and are standing on top of a high cliff overlooking the Summer Country. Some adjusting to the warmth and brilliance is required before following Laurel down a narrow path to the valley floor.

At a large stream Laurel approaches four beautiful white swans and asks them where Tintagel hid “the Horn”. They refuse to tell her as Tintagel forbade them to tell anyone. She pleads with them saying that the Horn may be the only thing that can heal him if he is hurt. The swans will tell Laurel if the party help her to persuade them.

Laurel then leads the party to Tintagel’s dwell. His dwell is a cavern behind a waterfall surrounded by a thicket of wild rose. She enters, then returns, soaked, with a waterproof pack and a well-wrapped longbow.

After searching under a number of oak trees in the area designated by the four swans, the party finds a peridham hidden at the base of one of the trees. Laurel feels this indicates the spot where the Horn is buried. The chest is easily dug up but Laurel will only open it after proper ceremony and incantations. She wants the Horn brought with the party.

Laurel leads the party to the river for a consultation with the wise salmon. While journeying to the river the party is spotted by a crane, a shape-changing servant of the Elleen. Laurel is very upset that they have been seen by the crane.

They waited until the sun was directly overhead, when the entrance was open, and then went through a tunnel lit by crystal prisms of glowing rainbow colours. Niani and Lan collected one of the fallen pieces and discovered that the stones continued to glow. Kyle decided he’d fill his pockets on the way out.

At the end of the tunnel, the air became invigorating and opened on a burst of bright sunshine. The exit was on the side of a precipice, with a path leading down the side. A vast panorama spread out below them. The land was in high spring. A wide, emerald green plain stretched to a darker green forest. A lazy river wound through the plain, reflecting the brilliant blue sky above. A huge sun shone beneficently on the view. Beyond the forest was a pine-covered, snow-topped mountain range. The air was clear and distant objects appeared as close as nearer ones

The group made their way down to the river following Laurel’s directions. There, the dryad waded out to where four swans were swimming. To the group’s surprise, she started talking to them, asking them where the horn was hidden.

To their greater surprise, the oldest swan answered. “He made us promise not to tell.”

Laurel and then Niani pleaded with Fianula – the swan, saying that they needed help to find Voklaynn and the unicorn. They were eventually swayed and gave Laurel directions.

The dryad then led them upstream to the unicorn’s home, pushing their way through thick rose bushes surrounding it. Laurel asked them to stay outside while she passed through a waterfall to the actual home. She came out again carrying a large wrapped bundle. Dannar and Melitha blundered in particularly bad patches of the roses and sustained bad slashes to their faces.

“Why did we have to go with you?” asked Niani irritably.

“I didn’t ask you to come,” replied Laurel innocently.

Throttling seemed too good for her.

The dryad took them to an oak grove and asked the group to look for a tree with a symbol on it. The unicorn guardian left Peridham – crystal stones – as a sign he had been there. Beneath the symbol was buried an oak wood box with a unicorn’s horn in it. It was set in silver and Laurel explained reverently that it was his father’s horn. She then informed them that they had to go and talk to the salmon. Why not? They were utterly bemused by the whole situation.

On the way, they spied a crane and hid. Lan was a bit slow and was spotted by the bird. It circled around and then flew eastwards. Laurel explained that cranes were a symbol of the Elleen, a 3-headed beast that lived underground. There was no need for secrecy now and she hurried them to where the salmon lived.

At the river sanctuary of the wise salmon

GM’s Note: At the river, a place overhung with hazelnut trees, Laurel consults the wise salmon. For a gift of a freshly picked hazelnut, the salmon will show visions on the water’s surface in answer to questions posed by the giver of the hazelnuts.

Voklaynn? Frightened by a large bear while returning to the Dwarven trading village. Before the bear closed, Voklaynn collapsed as if the victim of an unseen attack. The bear, confused, turned into a youth, then a robin and flew away. Then a woman in hunter’s garb walked from the forest, knelt and touched Voklaynn and both women disappeared.

Tintagel? The party is shown only the mouth of a cave set in some low, barren hills. Outside the cave sits a very large, very ugly half-naked man with a spear. Laurel knows where the cave is and will lead the party there.

The dryad threw the fish hazelnuts and coaxed it to the surface. She explained that the nuts absorbed all the wisdom of the world and passed it on to the salmon when he ate them. Fine, they thought.

The salmon was asked what happened to Voklaynn. The water went completely still and opaque, like a mirror. They saw the healer leaving the farm and walking up the path to where Smudge was. A bear came out of the forest and lumbered towards her in man-like fashion. Voklaynn drew her sword, then stopped, confused. She looked around, dropping the sword. She clutched her side and fell over, gasping. She crawled a little way up the path and finally collapsed.

The bear shimmered and became a rather confused looking boy of about 12 years. He shimmered again, became a small bird and flew away.

Laurel asked who had taken Voklaynn. The water opaqued again, showing a woman dressed huntress fashion walking over to Voklaynn. She bent over her and the two women vanished.

Laurel explained to the questioning group that the boy helped Epona’s champion. Epona looked after horses. Flidais, the woman, hunted both men and animals. That explains everything thought Niani caustically.

She asked the salmon who had impersonated Voklaynn and was shown a crane.

Laurel then asked about the fate of Karwin, the son of the Guardian who kept the rivers pure. The waters muddied and became turbulent, then showed a cave guarded by a large man with a spear.

At the cave in the hills

GM’s Note: There is no sign of the large ugly one. Tintagel lies at the back of the cave chained at the wrists and ankles with iron fetters linked to a large ring embedded in the back wall of the cave. He is in human form and where the iron has touched his skin he has severe burns. There is a deep spear wound between his ribs on his left side and a severe wound on the left side of his head. He is very near death, naked and still bleeding heavily from the spear wound.

Laurel directs the party to free him, then she places Ilvilon’s Horn in his hands and asks the party to take him to the river. Here, she sees he is placed carefully in the water, wading in to keep his head above water until he is fully conscious. When Tintagel finally emerges from the river he appears to be fully healed. Laurel will continue to fuss over him and get him dried and dressed in the clothes she brought from his dwell.

They thanked the salmon and made their way to the cave. It was unguarded. Kyle sneaked in, being the best at that sort of thing. Following the rattle of chains, he found who he took to be Voklaynn’s unicorn in a very bad way. The iron manacles had burnt into his wrists and ankles, in some places through to the bone. Kyle picked the locks and carried him out. There was still no sign of any guards.

Laurel placed the horn in the unicorn’s hands and he looked in less immediate likelihood of dying. At Laurel’s urging, they took him to water and floated him in it. This completed his recovery.

Voklaynn’s unicorn was human-looking, but with a diamond bump in the centre of his forehead, like Karwin. He had white skin, blue eyes and very long, creamy hair. He was very handsome. Laurel fussed over him like an old mother hen, drying him off and dressing him. He finally brushed her away.

The group caught him up with recent events, although he had known about Voklaynn’s capture. He was astonished and upset that Laurel had brought them through the cave entrance. Apparently, it meant she had made an alliance where she shouldn’t have.

By the river – Tintagel’s explanation

GM’s Note: He was attacked by four ugly ones with an iron net, spears and cudgels. He was taken to the cave and left to die, guarded by an ugly one. His guard left some time later. Before the attack, near dawn, he felt that his son was frightened and had been separated from Voklaynn. He intruded on Niani’s dreaming mind, but his warning was too late. For sometime before that Tintagel had felt vague disquiet, but for no obvious cause.

Tintagel will meditate for some time. Both soul bonds are quiet, Karwin and Voklaynn must be resting, although he is getting very little from Voklaynn. Tintagel can get no clues as to surroundings from either his son or his Beloved, and he has no clues as to what to do next. Laurel continues to worry about Tintagel as he has not recovered his powers. He “needs” Voklaynn so she can heal him fully.

The unicorn told his own story. He had known something was wrong about the time the false Voklaynn had turned up at the inn. Karwin was frightened about something. The unicorn had been attacked by four ugly ones, like the guard they had seen at the cave, chained up and left for dead. He had no idea where his guard had gone.

Voklaynn had fallen because he had been hurt and she felt the pain as well. He was upset about the boy – Culain, Epona’s son – trying to scare her. Dannar suggested they try to find the boy and ask why he did it. The unicorn sombrely agreed.

In the meantime, they needed more information on where Voklaynn and Karwin were and how to proceed. The unicorn went to meditate under an oak tree and to try and contact them. The rest set up camp for the evening. The sun was still directly overhead, but Laurel assured them it was nearly nightfall. Soon afterwards, the sun rapidly set.

They tried to build a fire and had a long argument with Laurel, who didn’t want them to. It might get out of control and they could eat raw fruit and vegetables, she argued.

‘”What about the meat?” asked Lan.

“Ugh! You’re not going to eat meat, are you?” Laurel was disgusted and horrified.

Failing to convince her by the truth, Kyle told her he had been abandoned as a child and psychologically affected by it, so he needed the comfort of a fire. Laurel reluctantly gave in and allowed him to build a very small one. With a fire pit. And provided it was constantly watched. And…

The dryad fussed around the unicorn, worried that he had been in a trance too long. She couldn’t risk rousing him, in case he was in contact with either Voklaynn or Karwin. She was annoyed at the position they had placed him in.

Dannar asked if he were in any danger and the dryad panicked even more. Sighing, Niani took her aside and talked to her about trees to calm her down and distract her. Laurel asked about Voklaynn, looking for more excuses to dislike her rival. Niani, wise to this, talked with great affection about her friend, being careful not to give the dryad any ammunition against her. The woman was obviously quite jealous of Voklaynn’s relationship with her unicorn.

The unicorn stirred at dusk. He reported that he had been searching for Voklaynn and Karwin, but couldn’t find them. He did know that Karwin was awake and not perturbed or upset. He wasn’t sure about Voklaynn but felt they were separated.

Laurel interrupted the explanation. “Tintagel, look” blowing his name completely.

Encounter with Herne

GM’s Note: A large white stag with red ears approaches the party and summons Tintagel. The stag is Herne’s herald. Tintagel is very reluctant to go but eventually agrees. Laurel hides away from the river and away from the stag. After the stag chastises Tintagel over a number of recent transgressions a grey haired druid accompanied by a large grey wolf approaches the stag and Tintagel. The druid is distinguished and refined with an air of great age. His shadow is antlered and he wears a sprig of mistletoe.

Tintagel must plead his case with the support of the party; i.e. his rescue of his Beloved and his son versus Herne’s order that Tintagel not neglect his guardianship of the woods.

Herne questions the party as to their motives, directions and alliances. He is particularly interested in their “reasons for being.” Herne will eventually come down in favour of love and truth and encourage Tintagel to rescue those he loves.

She pointed at a large, white stag with magnificent antlers and red inside his ears, standing just inside the clearing. Tintagel looked worried.

Lan took out his bow to cover the mysterious stag, but Tintagel urgently told him not to shoot, explaining it was the herald of Tintagel’s Power. He was not on good terms with his Power at the moment, as Herne felt he had been neglecting his duties for Voklaynn. Lan and Niani offered to go and talk to the herald for him.

“Hello,” said Lan. “Can we help you? Can you help us?”

The stag declined to discuss his business with them, only wanting to speak with the unicorn. Tintagel went, looking like a man going to his own funeral.

Laurel was upset. If Herne was really angry with Tintagel, he might return him to the void and then re-form him. She hadn’t gone to all that trouble to have that happen to him.

The herald explained in great detail to Tintagel that his first duty was as Guard to the forest under his care. Tintagel listened rebelliously. The herald was also angry that Tintagel had sent other people to explain himself.

Just then Herne arrived, accompanied by a large wolf that frisked around him like a dog. Herne was tall, with grey hair and beard. He wore a cloak with a ram-headed silver broach and was armed with a longbow.

Laurel hurriedly departed saying “He wouldn’t like what I’ve done”.

Tintagel bowed deeply. Herne shook his head sadly at him. He asked about the people Tintagel had brought into the Summer Country. Tintagel and Niani made the necessary introductions. Niani explained that they were there to find Voklaynn and Karwin. The situation was apparently news to Herne.

For Tintagel ‘s part, Niani, Kyle and Dannar argued for a relaxing of unicorn rules. The whole situation was ridiculous and unreasonable. Unicorns were expected to spend their time looking after the forests find a woman to fall madly in love with, have a child, and then never see the woman again. They had to bring up the child on their own, and then they died. The woman lost both her lover and her child at one. No wonder so many elected to commit suicide.

GM’s Note: Toleki marry for political reasons. They take lovers for emotional satisfaction. It is somewhat distasteful and embarrassing to love your spouse.

Herne asked if anyone in the group had been in love. Lan said he hadn’t. Herne asked with some surprise if he loved his wife and got a negative answer.

Herne asked Melitha if she loved her husband. She declined to answer, looking highly embarrassed.

The conversation argued back and forth. Herne explained that unicorns were formed from the truth.

“What’s truer than love,” asked Niani.

Herne was pleased with her answer and with the general arguments of the group. It seemed that he had wanted Tintagel to hear their arguments and consider his choices.

By the river – now evening – Herne’s explanations

GM’s Note: Herne tells the party that Flidais “The Huntress” wants to gain the power and position of consort to the “Lord of Perfect Knowledge.” She is building a deadly alliance with the Elleen to take on the current consort, “Raven”. Flidais does not appreciate that Raven is far too powerful.

Herne does not believe that Flidais can awaken the Elleen in the Elleen’s underground lair. Much ritual and sacrifice is required and this will only succeed if the victim is a twice mage-born son.

Herne will be far more concerned about the possible consequences when he learns from Tintagel that Voklaynn has her own powers. Tintagel has seen Voklaynn turn into a huge, white, winged Saurian. Herne will consider, then leave, promising to return at dawn.

The conversation turned to Voklaynn. Dannar told Herne about Voklaynn’s associations with the Saurians and how “they thought she was their goddess”, much to Niani’s disgust. She heartily disapproved of any discussion about Voklaynn’s possible nature. It wasn’t going to be true if she had anything to do with it.

In any case, Herne believed that Karwin was twice-mage-born. He told them that Flidais wanted to spill the boy’s blood to raise the Elleen. Being twice-mage-born, she would be raised with far greater power. Flidais wouldn’t be able to control her and she might destroy the Summer Country and perhaps the Lands Beyond the Curtain as well.

Flidais wanted to be the consort of the ruling Power, the Lord of Perfect Knowledge, but she had no idea what she was doing.

Herne also was angry at Laurel for just what she expected. He revealed that she was close to Culain, which explained some of her evasions. Herne left to investigate a few matters, promising to return at dawn.

Kyle went to look for the dryad and found her crying into a tree. She threw her arms around his neck and wept bitterly.

“Wonderful,” thought Kyle. “Six months ago my greatest ambition was not to get thrown out of the tavern.”

Kyle tried to comfort Laurel who was very upset at Tintagel finding out about Culain. “It’s all Voklaynn’s fault!” She confessed to getting them into the Summer Country to find Voklaynn, but only so she could find Tintagel and Karwin. She had made a pact with Raven, the consort of the ruling Power, and agreed to tell her what Flidais was doing if Raven let the group into the Summer Country. She should have asked Herne, her own Power, for help, but had been afraid that he wouldn’t help. Now she was in trouble. Being a small Power, Herne was very possessive.

Laurel was also depressed because Tintagel wouldn’t look at another woman. Herne wanted to pair her up with a certain satyr, but she wanted Tintagel. However, she suddenly realised, she had a choice now. Kyle was single and available.

The group settled down for the evening. Kyle was badgered by Laurel for his life story and more. Tintagel was very restless, so on her watch, Niani asked him if he needed something to help him sleep.

“She isn’t here,” replied the unicorn mournfully.

Night – camped in a clearing some distance from the river

GM’s Note: A shape-changing crane, appearing as Niani, “attacks” Dannar. She will first try to sleep the party (comatose or paralysed, the defence is a good power roll). The party must prevent her from killing Dannar. Tintagel will stop her by using his longbow if no-one else can. His reaction has been delayed due to his failed powers.

Late into the night, the camp fell still. Dannar and Niani woke suddenly, but Niani was unable to move. She used her mind powers to sense what was happening and saw a crane woman approaching the camp. The woman changed into the likeness of Niani and walked up to Dannar’s sleeping position.

She woke him gently and told him she wanted to talk about their relationship, about being together.

“We’re not. You’ve made this clear and I’ve made my position clear.”

“I’ve changed my mind. I believe now it was not what I truly feel.”

Dannar was confused. This was a total turn-around on Niani’s part. He asked the reasons for her change of mind but wasn’t happy with the pat answers he received. She was conciliatory and reasonable to his mind, not dictating as she normally was. He rolled sluggishly onto his back, trying to figure out what was going on. She stroked his face.

“No, it’s not right. It isn’t you. You’re not this pliable.”

He counted the life forms in the camp. Niani was still in her bed. The woman started to undo Dannar’s shirt.

“You’re not Niani, she’s in her bed” declared Dannar.

He was unable to move at all then, but using his mental powers could project feelings of fear and revulsion at her. She began to change, developing a feral look about her and grew claws and fangs. She raked her claws down Dannar’s face and tried to strangle him. Her appearance became animalistic and, in her struggle with Dannar, she loosened control over the rest of the group.

Niani started to slowly crawl towards them shouting for help. The camp started gradually to rise. Dannar tried to stab the woman in the side, so she dropped all pretence of Niani’s shape and also the final hold over the others.

Lan fired an arrow into the woman’s chest as Niani reached her and chopped at her neck. A piercing shriek came from the woman’s throat and she made a last lunge at Dannar’s neck. Her body rapidly changed form several times and ended up as the mangled body of a crane. Dannar stomped on its head and buried it in the latrine pit.

“Don’t think so much of your heart’s desire,” Tintagel advised him.

“What about you?”

“It wouldn’t have come to me. It wouldn’t have been able to get what it wanted. They procreate by stealing seed. She attacked the one with the most desire. It’s easier to fool those who want to be fooled.”

Dannar apologised to Niani for disturbing her sleep. She frowned at the implication that her sleep was more important than his wellbeing.

Day Three – The Summer Country

GM’s Note: Herne returns. Voklaynn is with Epona, a “Power”. He warns the party to take care. Laurel and Tintagel know where Epona’s fortress is and will lead the party there.

While on the trail to Epona’s fortress the party are confronted with Voklaynn, who is severely wounded and crawling up the trail towards them. This is actually an illusion surrounded by the smell of long dead corpses. They must not go near the illusion. “Voklaynn” appeals directly to Niani and Tintagel. The illusion is the lure of a deadly spirit bound to the spot by a powerful spell. It must be defeated through spirit combat (probably Lan).

After the spirit is destroyed the party may pass by. Off to one side of the path is a human skull on the top of a spear which has been placed in the ground.

Herne and his wolf arrived at dawn, taking Laurel by surprise. She bowed deeply, nervous because of her transgression.

“Good morning, Laurel.”

Kyle tried to distract Herne’s attention. “Dannar had a close encounter with a crane. What is she going to send after us next time?”

“Whatever Flidais can persuade the Elleen to teach her next.”

Herne informed them that he had discovered the whereabouts of Voklaynn. Flidais had taken her to Epona for care, telling her that Voklaynn was a forest spirit who had met with an accident. Karwin was not with her.

They set off, Herne taking his leave of them.

On the path ahead, they saw Voklaynn crawling towards them. Tintagel rushed forward. Dannar grabbed him back. Niani pushed her horse forwards. There was a foul smell from the body. Niani put an arrow in the thing’s head, with no effect. Lan and Melitha combined to attack it spiritually, beating it easily.

On the side of the road was a skull in a silent scream, mounted on a spear. Dannar buried the head and then broke the spear. Tintagel started but was too late to stop him. He explained that Goibniu, the Power of weaponry, made the spear.

“If you run into him, I wouldn’t mention it.”

Epona’s fortress – midday

GM’s Note: The party approaches the fortress from the forest. There is a plain in front of the fortress through which runs a small river. The road to the fortress crosses over the river via a small wooden bridge before entering the fortress itself.

A young dryad on a small white pony rides out from the fortress, across the bridge and onto the plain. She announces the imminent arrival of Epona’s Champion. Permission to enter must be obtained by defeating this Champion. Brennos and Culain thunder out in a war chariot and gallop across the bridge to the plain, where they stop and await the party’s champion (probably Lan). Culain is easily recognised as the bear boy who frightened Voklaynn.

Combat. Prefer a draw interrupted by Epona herself who invites the party inside the fortress. Anyone who can hold out that long against Brennos must have truth on his side. Tintagel will heal any wounds incurred by both combatants.

If the party informs Tintagel that Culain was the bear, Tintagel will attack Culain with his bare hands, demanding answers as to why Culain attacked his Beloved. After being forcibly prevented from hurting Culain further, Tintagel will explain “soul bond” and truth to Culain.

Epona invites the party into the main hall. Tintagel takes Niani to a large bedroom where Voklaynn lies comatose in a large four-poster bed. Only Tintagel can heal her, and she him.

They made their way out of the forest to a slightly hilly area, then through plains to a river-fed area. On a barrow was perched an oval fortress. Smaller rivers around it made the barrow an island, with a wooden drawbridge connecting it to the plain.

To see Epona, Power of horses, they would have to beat Epona’s champion. He was Brennos, a name they recognised from Gelfinlorn, Lan and Niani’s hometown. He was supposed to have died 200 years ago serving his noble family. He was noted as a great hero.

The war trumpets on the gates made a harsh, braying sound. The gates were drawn open and a herald on a small white pony came out. She was a very young girl – probably a dryad. Dannar, chosen as Lan’s herald, went out to meet her.

“Brennos, Champion of Epona, issues challenge to your champion.”

“Our champion accepts.”

The trumpets blared again. A pair of ponies pulled a chariot carrying a huge, mail-clad warrior. The charioteer was the boy who had stalked Voklaynn as a bear – Epona’s son. He handled the horses expertly.

The walls were lined with people watching the battle. Brennos was a large man with reddish-blond hair covered by a helmet in the shape of a Pegasus with a horsehair plume. His armour and weapons were heavily ornamented.

“I am Brennos, Champion of Epona.”

“I am Asrane Fedorni Lan, Dragon Axe. Champion of the people beyond the Curtain.”

As was traditional, Lan boasted of his deeds. Brennos merely promised to spill his blood.

They were evenly matched. Lan took the first two blows, but then returned a couple of his own. The fight went on interminably. Brennos wasn’t tiring at all, although Lan was. A redheaded lady in a green gown came out of the fortress. Niani went to meet her.

“Your champion is doing well” the lady commented.

“He is a good champion” Niani replied.

Niani didn’t interrupt the fight. Lan and Brennos seemed to be enjoying themselves. She explained to Epona why she was there and, assisted by Tintagel, revealed Voklaynn’s true identity. Lan noticed the conversation and suggested to Brennos that they stop the fight temporarily to join it. Brennos seemed a bit put out that he’d been slugging away to prevent their entry into the fortress, but Epona had decided to come out after all.

Epona explained that she had been told Voklaynn needed protection, and the people who had hurt her would be back to finish the job. However, Brennos was powered by truth and could only lose a fight if he were faced by the truth. That is why she had come out. She invited them inside.

Tintagel cornered Culain the charioteer and tried to bash his head against the wall. “How dare you try to scare Voklaynn!”

“Laurel told me to,” protested the boy.

Niani broke them up, stressing that Voklaynn needed Tintagel.

They went off to find Voklaynn while the others cleaned up in preparation for a feast. Niani asked the servants where Voklaynn was, as Tintagel was intent on searching every room. They found the healer, but Tintagel had some trouble waking his wife until Niani suggested he kiss her in true legend style. She left the couple to their own devices, heading back to the feast.

Main hall of Epona’s fortress – Epona’s explanations

GM’s Note: Flidais brought the unconscious Voklaynn to Epona for care. Flidais said she found her lying on a road in the Land Beyond the Curtain. Epona thought she was a female forest spirit, but Voklaynn had no alicorn (horn). Flidais had other things to do and was not able to look after Voklaynn. Flidais warned Epona that whoever hurt Voklaynn may come after her again. Epona told Brennos to bar entry to the fortress.

In the main hall, the group were telling Epona the full story. She informed them that Flidais would not achieve her desire – the consort-ship of the ruling Power. The Lord strayed, in fact, Culain was his son, but Flidais was a fool if she thought more.

Kyle persuaded Laurel to apologise to Culain. She did.

“I’d like to apologise. Kyle thinks I should.”

Brennos was charming to Niani, paying her a lot of attention that Dannar resented. Niani herself didn’t notice what was going on until, in a quiet moment, Lan explained to her that Brennos was making a pass at her.

Epona’s fortress – evening meal

GM’s Note: After the meal, Epona’s soothsayer addresses the party. She is a young female poet with yellow hair, speckled cloak, light gold weaving rod and gold eyes with triple irises. She gives a prophecy of war and making alliances. Mnesse – Night Djin, Tintagel – Summer Country, Voklaynn – Saurians, Dannar – Phalithran (farm folk), Niani – Khagraz / Dwarrow (dwarves), Lan/Brennos – Toleki (warrior heroes), Melitha – Noction.

After the meal entertainment is provided by Brennos (lute) then other musicians, one of whom plays the pan pipes beautifully (he is a satyr in human form). He is enamoured of Laurel, but she does not want him. He has approached Herne to plead his suit, but as yet has had no response from Laurel.

Later in the evening the young dryad brings the message that ugly ones have slaughtered some of Epona’s fairy horses. This would have been done under Flidais’ instructions.

Plans of attack. Epona will order Brennos to attack by killing all of the ugly ones. Brennos will request new armour for Lan and Niani, possibly Dannar if requested by either the noble or the party champion. Goibniu the Smith, a “Power”, will come to measure up those in need of new armour.

For entertainment, Epona’s soothsayer came to talk to the group. She was a wild woman with yellow hair and triple irises in her eyes. She wore a speckled cloak and carried a weaving rod and thread. Epona informed them that she was a woman of some power.

The soothsayer walked past each of them, saying their names. She asked if they were aware that great changes were coming, both in the Summer Country and in the Lands Beyond the Curtain. Each person brought a people of the Land with them; Niani, the Dwarrow; Lan and Brennos the Toleki; Dannar the Phalithran; Mnessi, a former companion, the Djin; Voklaynn, the Saurians.

Niani asked about Melitha and Kyle.

“Melitha is a priestess,” replied the soothsayer. “As for Kyle, it is for you to decide who you bring and where you stand. You must be very careful. It is a time of war and trouble.”

Dannar commented ruefully “Someone has to convince the Toleki of that.”

Lan answered, “They will unite against the invaders to the south. What about the elves? They won’t believe they’re our enemies.”

Niani put in “Each small betrayal adds up.”

The soothsayer continued. “If the lands are to survive, they need to build alliances.” She stated that Voklaynn was a Saurian, something Niani vehemently refuted. The other races could learn what from the Toleki?

“Honour” Niani replied.

Lan added “Courage.”

Kyle “Bravery.”

The soothsayer tried to argue that the races would intermingle and it sounded much like she thought they would become a homogenous group, which the party found highly unlikely.

After the soothsayer had left, Brennos was encouraged to play the lute. Dannar went off to relieve himself.

Lan attempted matchmaking by discussing Niani with Brennos, informing him that Niani was quite inexperienced with men and might not notice his attentions. She hadn’t had a partner in the past and certainly wasn’t involved with anyone at the present.

The festivities were interrupted by reports that Flidais had revealed her hand and killed several of Epona’s horses, a high insult. Epona was worried that any retaliatory action would result in harm for Karwin. She would normally send Brennos to deal with it, but that might be what Flidais wanted. She liked handsome warriors.

They discussed their plans. Brennos would go with them to help rescue Karwin, which would thwart Flidais’ plans anyway. She couldn’t raise the Elleen without a sacrifice.

Kyle went to find Dannar, who had still not returned to the feast. “You’re not even casing the joint,” commented the thief. “What excuse do you have for not being there?”

Dannar was “thrilled” by the news that Brennos would be joining them and made several disparaging comments about him.

Eventually, Laurel came to find Kyle and the three returned to the Hall. Niani and Lan were deep in conversation with Brennos, bringing him up to date with recent events. Kyle and Laurel continued to be “interfering and manipulative”, a favourite pastime.

Dannar discussed music and flutes with one of the satyr musicians and then brought the conversation around to Epona’s Hall and the Powers. The satyr was very tight-lipped about the Powers but did have high praise for both Epona and Brennos.

The satyr wanted to discuss the women in the group, but Dannar claimed they were all spoken for, listing their partners but leaving Niani out. Kyle interrupted to inform the satyr that Niani was unattached, much to Dannar’s annoyance.

“How can a lady that attractive be unattached? Are you so lacking in action?”

“You could say that,” said Kyle. He didn’t bother to add that until recently Niani had been nothing of the sort.

The satyr decided there was definitely something lacking in the party. Dannar went off to get a drink. Kyle tried to encourage the satyr to make a pass at Niani. He declined – Brennos was in the way.

Dannar rejoined the satyr and Kyle, in time to hear Kyle and the musician swapping compliments about Brennos. Dannar responded with several sarcastic comments of his own. The satyr quite correctly noted that the knight had obviously formed a strong dislike of the warrior, so suspected that the problem was that Dannar was standing around while another man approached the object of his desire.

“You should make your feelings known.”

Dannar sighed and gave Kyle a “been there, done that” look. The satyr suggested he appeal to a Higher Power to intercede in the matter.

“It doesn’t work like that. People have to make their own decisions.”

The Satyr wanted to know more but was unimpressed by the distance the gods kept in the Lands Beyond the Curtain. He was also unimpressed with Kyle, who had been courting Laurel, in his opinion. Kyle denied any involvement with her but did ask if she had any choice in the matter.

The satyr replied petulantly, “She hasn’t chosen according to the law. She has to choose again.”

They pointed out that Tintagel and Voklaynn hadn’t behaved according to the law either. He looked thunderstruck, suddenly realising it.

“But that’s not fair. This is unheard of. If Herne won’t support me…”

Dannar told him, “You know what you want. Get it. Fight for what you want. Laws are only guidelines.”

The two men then went on to encourage anarchy and the feasibility of morality and life without laws. They waxed lyrical in the encouragement of free choice and action.

The satyr became very thoughtful, knocked back his drink decisively and went off to talk to Laurel. She looked at Kyle with a murderous gaze.

Brennos invited Niani and Lan to look at his weapons and armour. The two, being keen fighters, were impressed. The workmanship was very fine. He decided the two needed better armour than they were sporting. Certainly, not expecting to be this long away from home, they had not come as prepared as they should have. Niani had little in the way of anything that still fitted her after her change of appearance. The champion hung his sword on a hook, bowed and prayed to it.

Brennos took them back to the Hall to await the armourer’s arrival. He was a short, stumpy, red-faced man, introduced as Goibniu the Smith. He wolfed down the extra food Epona provided and then measured them accurately by sight alone. He and Brennos were old friends and chattered away during the proceedings.

In the meantime, Laurel left the satyr musician in a huff and latched onto Kyle again, this time managing to persuade him to go to bed with her. The musician watched them leave, looking like he thought he’d been set up.

They all retired to bed.

Epona’s fortress – night into dawn

GM’s Note: Voklaynn will wake the party individually over the course of the evening and discuss events with each one. She will thank each one for coming to help her, Tintagel and Karwin.

Voklaynn, unable to sleep, visited each of the group, thanking them for their help.

Niani apologised to her for handing Karwin over to the crane woman. She felt she had let her friend down badly. Voklaynn assured her there was no way of knowing what it really was. Voklaynn was very interested in the developing relationship between Brennos and her friend. Niani remained tight-lipped, not trusting her judgement of men and not convinced of her attractiveness. She’d been wrong before.

Lan, when Voklaynn went to see him, was also keen on the idea of the two becoming closer, much preferring the champion to Dannar, as he suited Niani’s temperament much more.

Quite late, Voklaynn visited Dannar, who hadn’t been to bed at all. Voklaynn was concerned. Tintagel was in a trance again, but the knight had no such excuse. They discussed his situation, but Dannar wasn’t prepared to do anything about his feelings for Niani. He couldn’t duel for her – that wouldn’t impress Niani at all.

“Running away every time he talks to her is not going to do any good either.”

“Sticking around isn’t.”

Voklaynn also went to see Kyle but left as soon as she realised Laurel was there. The dryad was excessively jealous and demanded Kyle never spoke with Voklaynn again. The thief explained the nature of the group and their friendship. She was only mollified when he promised to take her with him when they left the Summer Country.

Day Four – The Summer Country

GM’s Note: The party are roused early in the morning while the sun is still rising slowly, not yet having gained its all day midday position. Having regained all his powers and having had suitable time to meditate on his son, Tintagel now knows where Karwin is. The baby is deep in the southern forests, east as seen from the cliff top where the party entered the Summer Country.

Goibniu the smith returns with armour for Lan, Niani and Dannar, suitably decorated with dragons, leaves and birds, respectively.

The party leaves Epona’s fortress and crosses the bridge over the river. Before leaving the river Tintagel will bless the river, his duty and his thanks to Epona for caring for Voklaynn. Determine which of the horses is carrying the Horn.

Tintagel gives Kyle a fresh picked oak leaf, thanking him for saving his life by bravely entering the cave and carrying him out. The oak leaf becomes a cloak of many colours which will match any forest shade and will add to Kyle’s ability to hide in the forest. Tintagel learned the trick from Manannan, the sea “Power”.

The party travels past one of Epona’s horse herds on the way south across the plain. Finest horses any of them have ever seen. Very intelligent look in their eyes.

During breakfast, Goibniu the Smith arrived. He brought the armour he had made for them – ornate breastplates and chain armour heavily engraved and embossed. Lan’s was decorated with dragon symbols, Niani’s with intricate leaves and flowers, Dannar’s with birds of prey. They were all of the exquisite quality.

Culain arrived at that time, most put out that he hadn’t been told of their impending departure. Epona privately asked them to find some way of stopping the boy from going with them. Her position in his affections was too insecure to risk forbidding him outright. At any time he could decide to go to his father, the Lord of Perfect Knowledge, and he was very keen to accompany them.

Lan approached the matter in his usual straightforward manner. “Culain, you’re a soldier. Soldiers take orders. Stay!”

“Yes, sir,” replied Culain smartly.

Niani wasn’t convinced. He had a secretive smile she didn’t trust. She asked Brennos if there was some task he could send Culain on to get him out of the way. The champion obliged by sending him to Herne with a message.

Before he left, Tintagel apologised to Culain for his earlier anger towards him. At least the dryad seemed to have shifted her attentions away from Tintagel. Culain said he was all right. It was Laurel’s fault anyway.

On the way out, Tintagel blessed Epona’s stream, moving his finger over the water in ever-tightening circles that transmitted energy into to the water, purifying it in the widening rings.

Niani asked Brennos how he had come to be in the Summer Country. The champion wasn’t sure but believed the kidnappers of a child he had been sent to find ambushed him. Left for dead, he was brought to Epona for healing, then elected to stay and help her. He had thought of the Toleki lands often but hadn’t realised he’d been away anywhere near as long as 200 years.

Tintagel commended Kyle for his bravery in rescuing him from the ugly ones. He wanted to reward the thief, so gave him an oak leaf that he shook into a cloak, explaining that it would enable him to blend into any forest. Kyle tried to sound enthusiastic about the gift while the rest of the group roared with laughter at the thought of Kyle voluntarily spending any length of time in a forest.

A forest south of Epona’s fortress

The southern forest was a dark and dreary place. There was a unicorn to care for it, but he faced an uphill battle to try and keep it in order. Voklaynn asked Tintagel to try and contact the unicorn for help, so he formed Peridhams at regular intervals to leave behind him. The small stones should alert the unicorn to his presence, but he didn’t hold out much hope of help.

GM’s Note: A large grey wolf runs through the party from behind and stops with Tintagel and Voklaynn. Herne has been following the party and now wants to talk with them. He walks up from behind the party and asks them about their evening with Epona. Herne wants to meet Voklaynn and discuss with the party the events at Epona’s fortress. He is interested in anything the party have to tell him about the current situation.

Herne will warn the party that Flidais is learning from the Elleen and growing in strength. She will be very difficult to defeat. He gives the party two silver arrows, one to Tintagel, the other to the next best bowman in the party. Herne instructs the party only to use the arrows in dire need. After explaining that the arrows are the best help he can provide for the party against Flidais and the Elleen, he leaves.

At this point Laurel returns from the forest where she has been hiding since she first became aware of Herne’s approach.

Some time later Tintagel is explaining to Voklaynn about the “History and Truth of the Unicorn”. Others may listen, ask questions, etc. He is happy to talk about unicorn lore and will discuss any points while walking along with Voklaynn. Some time later again, Tintagel indicates that the party is nearing the area where he last felt Karwin.

Herne’s wolf ran up between the party members. Laurel quickly blended into the forest herself. Herne arrived, annoyed at Laurel’s behaviour and the satyr’s lack of success with her. Niani resignedly engaged in a polite discussion of the matter, annoyed herself at the delay. Lan interrupted and asked to continue the conversation later on – Karwin was in danger.

Herne offered them two silver arrows to be used in extreme danger, entrusted to Niani and Tintagel as the best archers. Laurel wandered back as soon as Herne wandered off again.

Deeper in the forest – older, cooler, quieter

GM’s Note: It is now becoming difficult for the party to keep a straight path through the forest. The trail has faded away to a narrow track which winds around the large trees.

Four of the ugly ones ambush the party in a small clearing surrounded by ancient oaks. The ugly ones throw down spears at the four corners of the clearing and then very quickly run away into the forest. Sounds can be heard fading away in four different directions. The spears remain imbedded in the ground, standing fairly upright. A palpable aura of power comes from each spear. Total silence and stillness descend on the clearing. No sounds, no breeze, no movement other than that of the party. No living thing within MMS range.

A wind begins gently at the centre of the clearing and rapidly gains in strength, becoming a whirlwind. An ear-piercing shrieking begins at the centre of the whirlwind. Tintagel grabs Voklaynn and pulls her straight into the closest edge of the forest, both disappearing from sight. At the same time all the horses except that ridden by Brennos and that carrying the Horn (probably Lan’s horse) become panic stricken. Brennos is having some difficulty keeping his under control but he prepares to fight from horseback anyway. Laurel begs Kyle to flee with her into the forest.

Those unable to keep their horses under control must either dismount, fall off or be carried blindly into the forest to impact with the nearest tree. Horses separated from riders will attempt to flee but will be attacked and killed by the invisible ravener in very messy fashion. This is how Epona’s horses were slaughtered.

Those retaining control of their horses will be able to defend their horses from the ravener, fighting against the whirlwind from horseback is the best option. The horse carrying the Horn will be safe. The ravener can be defeated by direct hits with an edged weapon, salt or a silver arrow. Voklaynn has a pouch of salt in her medicine bag. Tintagel would prefer “salting” an ordinary arrow before he uses the silver arrow.

Party should recover and press on in the direction indicated by Tintagel.

Further into the forest they came to a clearing. Kyle and Laurel remained outside while the others went in to investigate. Suddenly, four ugly ones raced in from the four corners, planted spears in the ground and raced off again before they could be stopped.

A whirlwind started up in the centre of the clearing, growing in intensity. Melitha lost control of her horse and it bolted through the gap between two spears. The whirlwind followed it and they heard the horrible screams of the horse, suddenly stilled, before the whirlwind returned.

Outside the square, Kyle threw a branch at one of the spears. It burst into flames and Laurel went berserk at the damage to a living thing. Niani’s horse reared and bolted. Niani desperately tried to hold it but was unwilling to follow it through the humming barrier of the spears. Lan’s horse, carrying the horn from Tintagel’s dwell, was calm and controllable, as was Brennos’.

They threw salt at the whirlwind, which screamed with pain but did not stop. Desperate now, Dannar shot at the spear but the arrow burst into flames before hitting it. Lan and Brennos attacked the whirlwind without effect. Niani chopped down a couple of the spears, helped by Kyle on the outside. With the spears disrupted, the whirlwind died down and was gone. They didn’t want to know what would have happened if the whirlwind had achieved full strength.

They took stock of the situation. Both horses were horribly dead. Niani was devastated. This was the second horse she’d lost in less than a month. Melitha was less affected – she didn’t have the noble background that valued them as a status symbol, being only newly married into the station. However, she was sorry for it had been Lan’s horse.

Niani accepted Brennos’ offer to ride with him and they moved on.

Deeper still in the forest

GM’s Note: The party should be leading their horses as the forest is very thick and wild. Some of the party may hear the approach of the ugly ones before they attack the party. Four ugly ones with long spears attack the strongest dismounted party members. Tintagel will immediately change shape and in a relentless, fearsome fury will attack the ugly ones. He will not stop until all four are dead.

Once all four are dead and he has calmed down, he will return to human form. Voklaynn quietly watches him as he settles down and begins guiding the party again.

Further on, there was the sound of approaching people and four ugly ones attacked them. Angry now, Tintagel transformed himself into his unicorn shape and charged. With him skewering opponents and the combined expertise of the party, the fight was soon over. Lan allowed Melitha to finish off her opponent by herself, offering helpful advice from the sidelines.

Dannar offered a shaken Voklaynn a bottle of expensive alcohol, which he’d been saving for a suitable occasion. She promptly cleaned the blood off Tintagel with it. Later they rested by a peaceful stream, assessing their wounds and for lunch. It was pleasant there and would have been easy to forget what they were there for.

Deepest part of the forest

GM’s Note: Towering oaks with heavily interlaced leaves stand over a small waterfall running into a rocky pool. A small stream flows from the pool. There is a spring at the head of the waterfall where clear water bubbles up from the ground. The stream runs between two large stone monoliths buried upright in the ground. Some sunlight lances down between the leaves of the oak trees. There is no sign of anything or anyone.

The party must remain until midnight. Tintagel will keep them there as he believes Karwin is close by. Voklaynn agrees with him.

Later in the afternoon, they came to the head of a stream – piles of stones lead to a spring. The stream tumbled down to a pool, then flowed between two inscribed monoliths.

Voklaynn insisted that Karwin was there, but not there. No trace of him or Flidais could be found. Brennos informed them that the monoliths seemed to be the Gate to the Elleen that he had heard about. They would just have to wait until midnight when the sacrifice of Karwin was due to take place.

Midnight – deep in the southern forest

GM’s Note: Moonlit oak grove, water touched with silver. The monoliths begin to hum with power. Tintagel walks quickly from the grove and disappears into the trees. Flidais steps from between the monoliths on the left hand of the stream. She is carrying Karwin and a large silver, very ornate dagger. The humming of the monoliths becomes deeper and can be felt in the ground. Flidais moves to the waterfall holding the dagger to Karwin’s throat. She talks about releasing the power that will give her the strength to challenge and defeat Raven.

Forming between the monoliths is another shape, only swirling colours but becoming less misty and more solid. The shape continues to solidify into a three-headed creature not unlike a dragon. Flidais, still holding the dagger to Karwin’s throat, wades into the stream and into the rocky pool to stand in front of the waterfall. She begins to chant.

The party has some options. A missile attack, salt or a silver arrow will cause Flidais to drop Karwin in the rock pool and either injure or kill her. An ordinary arrow probably won’t kill her but will leave her injured to some degree. Salt will cause her to collapse, writhing in the water. This will dilute the salt and she will recover. A silver arrow will kill her outright.

The forming Elleen must be shot with a silver arrow, which will send her back to her underground cavern. Flidais has called her but not released her, so the Elleen may be forcibly returned.

After the attacks have been resolved, hopefully in the party’s favour, and after the dust has settled Epona will appear. She will make any excuse to get near Karwin. Tintagel will step between Voklaynn, who is holding Karwin, and Epona, saying “over my dead body.” Voklaynn will add “and mine” at which point Epona will draw a dagger and attempt to attack Tintagel. When she is finally killed she will change into a crane, another of the Elleen’s shape changing servants.

At midnight, true to his word, there was humming from the monoliths and vibrations through the ground. A woman with raven black hair exited through the monoliths. Flidais was carrying Karwin in her arms, a flat silver dagger held under his head. Voklaynn struggled in Tintagel’s arms, intent on her son. He managed to get her calmed down enough to move into a better position to help the child.

Flidais moved to the waterfall. The humming deepened in tone, and colours swirled in the rock pool formed by the waterfall. The woman waded out until she was waist-deep in the water, and then turned to face the shape forming in the monolith’s gateway. They decided it was time to act.

Niani took careful aim with the special arrow Herne had entrusted her with. To her horror, the shot went wild. Undisturbed, Flidais held up Karwin in one hand and the knife in the other. Melitha took aim and shot the knife out of the Power’s hand, while Lan peppered her with arrows. Niani broke into a run, as Flidais wrapped Karwin in her arms and sank to the bottom of the pool with him. Melitha, Dannar and Voklaynn followed.

Niani fumbled ineffectually, trying to force Flidais up. Voklaynn eventually managed to get Karwin away from her, then fell over herself, upset by the concerted splashing around. Melitha and Dannar helped her up and away.

Niani attacked Flidais, repeatedly stabbing her with her dagger even when the Power was obviously dead, and narrowly missing Dannar several times as he held the Power down.

In the meantime, Brennos and Lan were holding off a rapidly forming Elleen. Melitha searched for Niani’s miss-shot silver arrow in the pool. She found it and shot at the Elleen at the same time as Tintagel’s arrow from the same source came hurtling out of the forest. The Elleen disappeared back from where she had come.

Dannar managed to pull Niani from Flidais’ body and calm her down. She was deeply upset at her perceived failure to act competently when the life of her dearest friend’s child was in danger.

Brennos was badly hurt. Lan patched him up as best he could, then Tintagel passed them on his way to Voklaynn, casually patting Brennos on the stomach and making the whole healing business look like child’s play.

Epona entered the clearing and approached the family group. Tintagel took Voklaynn’s dagger and stood in front of her and Karwin.

“Over my dead body,” he warned the woman.

“I only came to see you were all right.”

“One step further and I’ll slit you.”

There was obviously something wrong, so Lan challenged her. Epona changed, a feral look developing on her face. Niani and Lan jointly attacked and killed her, the body changing to that of a crane.

Still upset, Niani wanted to chop off Flidais’ head, just in case, but Lan prevented her, telling his leader that she was making a fool of herself. Niani settled into a distant cold leadership style and organised her troops for the subdued journey back to Epona’s fortress. Dannar made some attempts to cheer Niani up, with total failure. No one else was foolish enough to try and approach her.

Besides Niani’s dark mood, they were all starting to wonder what happened to people who killed Powers. Flidais’ body was wrapped up and tied to one of the remaining horses, as they weren’t sure what else to do with it.

Day Five – Journey back to Epona’s fortress

GM’s Note: The party is approached by a large bear who is actually Culain. He will explain that he is in search of Herne, but that is only his excuse. He was actually following the party against Brennos’ strict orders. Culain is upset that he missed all the action, but he is very distressed when he sees the body of Flidais.

Halfway to Epona’s fortress, they met Culain in bear form. He had delivered his message to Herne and was now coming to join the fun. He saw Flidais’ body and blanched. The boy tried to leave but was forestalled by Brennos who told him not to wander off on his own.

Dawn at Epona’s fortress

GM’s Note: Epona and all at her fortress are shocked and stunned at Flidais’ death. A dead Power, this has never happened before. A deep disquiet settles over the fortress. All is hushed and subdued. Flidais will be buried in the forest south of the fortress.

Epona will replace any killed horses with those from her own herd, the horses will pick the riders.

Herne returns for Karwin’s naming ceremony. A baptism is held by the small river in front of the fortress. Karwin’s true name is not revealed to anyone except Herne, Tintagel and Voklaynn. Herne will release Laurel, she is now her own dryad.

Brennos will explain to Epona that he wants some time in the Lands Beyond the Curtain, but if she needs him, he will return immediately.

There was as much dismay at Epona’s fortress. It was revealed that this was the first time a Power had been killed. Everyone and everything was subdued. The soothsayer suggested they quietly and discretely bury the body in the forest, which they did.

Epona offered to send Melitha and Niani to her plains to find another horse. Niani was inclined to decline but decided to go and stand in the centre of the fields. If a horse were foolish enough to risk being her mount, she would accept it. Melitha was just keen to replace Lan’s horse.

True to Epona’s promise, two horses did approach the women. They were special horses, as fitted the Power of horses. Niani’s told her that her name was Cassiopeia, and Melitha’s was Andromeda.

Back at the fortress, Niani saw to her people’s needs, then retired to her room. Much later Brennos came to talk to her, asking about politics and history. The safe subjects calmed Niani down, though she was still ashamed of her failure. He didn’t mention the afternoon’s events.

Kyle went out into the woods and called for Herne.

“Well, that’s a novel approach,” the Power commented.

The thief shrugged. “It works!”

They discussed marriage and relationships. Kyle accused Herne of not being able to control the love lives of his charges and told him he should explain the whole situation to everyone to clear the mess up.

Herne was angry at Laurel for going to the Raven for help. It meant the Raven knew that what was Herne’s could be taken away from him. However, the choice was hers – she could stay or go as she pleased.

“Good,” commented Kyle.

The wolf growled threateningly, but Herne stopped it. “No, not this time.”

Laurel was delighted when she heard. She was keen to accompany Kyle to the Waking Lands.

Voklaynn invited everyone to Karwin’s naming ceremony. Niani got her chance to apologise profusely to Voklaynn, who calmed her down and pointed out that Niani had been under a lot of pressure at the time. Kyle organised to smooth over the situation with Laurel, Voklaynn and Tintagel so the dryad could go to the naming ceremony.

The ceremony was officiated over by Herne and was much like a christening, but held out by the river. Herne was clearly heard by all, except for Karwin’s true name that was kept a secret from all except Voklaynn, Tintagel and Herne.

In the morning they prepared to leave, feeling it politic. Tintagel and Brennos were to accompany them for a time, Tintagel to keep them safe and Brennos to see the Toleki lands again.

Day Six – Journey back to the Rainbow Cavern

GM’s Note: At one of the small rivers Tintagel speaks to the four white swans and blesses the river. This is the same river that the wise salmon lives in, so the blest water will eventually reach him.

Back through the rainbow cavern. The cry of a raven will catch the party’s attention as they are entering the cave. Behind them stands Raven, a woman of dark beauty with black hair and pale skin and wearing a long cloak made of raven feathers. She gives the party a small smile and nods in Laurel’s direction. Raven explains that the Lord of Perfect Knowledge will always be hers, Flidais was a fool. The Elleen would have destroyed Flidais and not given her the power she wanted. Raven tells the party “You are all welcome in this land, whenever you seek it.”

The party then returns to the Dwarven village, picking up Smudge on the way.

They followed the same tunnel they had entered by and were met by the Raven, a beautiful dark-haired woman in a raven feathered cloak. She promised them they would all be welcome if they chose to come back and could freely use this entrance.

On the way out Kyle filled his pockets with the glittering gems that lined the floor of the tunnel. Laurel protested that they might not want to leave. Kyle replied that he’d ask them and if they said they wanted to stay, they could.

“Are you teasing me?” asked the dryad.

“No. Given the fact that I’ve talked to salmon, stags and so on, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a rock talked to me. This one, however, doesn’t.”