Kate Hennessey

Written by Jenny Hein


TYPE – Material Moon

AIMS – Fox spirits are completely self-indulgent. Nephilim society and aims are almost irrelevant to them. Their aim is to live life to the fullest, squeezing the last drop of enjoyment out of each and every situation. Their joy is in the moment, so they are unlikely to indulge in artificial enhancements, such as alcohol or other drugs. They are not cruel and it is far preferable that others are also caught up in the enjoyment of the moment. Foxes hate causing pain or seeing it in others, but are not altruistic enough to go out of their way to solve others’ problems on a long-term basis. They do, however, indulge in spontaneous acts of generosity.


“Live long and leave a beautiful corpse.”
“Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty.”

Indulgent – Foxes revel in male attention and as a Fox’s indulgence increases, it develops a pleasant musk-like scent, which acts as a pheromone, attracting more males. As the scent becomes stronger, it also attracts the attention of dogs, which dislike them intensely. Both traits make it difficult for a Fox to blend into the background, even if they were inclined to.

Joyous – Sensations are increased when a Fox learns to better understand its joy. While pain becomes more distinct to the Fox, at the same time the merest touch can bring ecstasy. Taste, smell and hearing all become clearer as well, so that a newly picked rose can bring hours of delight, while the smell of the city dump can be a tremendous ordeal.

Generous – The generosity of a Fox creates physical warmth about it. To nearby people, it is as if they have just walked into a warm spring day. An extremely generous Fox can even warm the bitter cold of a New York winter.

Unpredictable – Foxes cannot be categorised and rarely act as expected. As they become more unpredictable, their hair becomes more fur-like and redder, like a fox’s tail. The ends are distinctly white, even when freshly cut. When a Fox’s unpredictability reaches 16, she can transform herself into a fox.

Spontaneous – As Foxes become less involved on a long-term basis with people, they are increasingly protected from the consequences of their activities. People they come into contact with are also caught up in the joy of the moment and don’t expect any more than what the Fox gives at that time. In addition, sexually transmitted diseases, even catching a cold from a partner, become increasingly unlikely.

Susan Jesson was born of an alcoholic mother and an unknown father. She was twice removed from her mother’s care by Welfare and went through a series of foster homes, none of which were very successful. Being a particularly attractive girl from an early age didn’t help.

Susan ran away on multiple occasions and spent some time on the street. She never got into the drug scene (though she did inhale some marijuana and didn’t think much of it), but does have a juvenile arrest for soliciting which never went to trial. Juvenile records are supposed to be sealed at 18, but I’m sure there is a lovely set of her fingerprints somewhere.

Susan learnt the hard way that not everyone that says they love you actually means it. The final straw was being seduced by one of the cops who found her on one of her runaway episodes. (See below.) She became sick of being used and learnt how to make things work out her own way. As it’s easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar, Susan became adept at making men do what she wanted them to.

Generally, she tried to get what she wanted nicely, but wasn’t above blackmail (particularly sexual). Even then she encouraged them to see it as a gift for services rendered. She has moved frequently and probably has lots of enemies, but few that would take it to extremes. When she was 16, she changed her name to Kate. She has had lots of surnames, but prefers to keep her first name. (Now she knows why.)


Harold Nitz

The cop from above. He is now working his way up the chain of command and statutory rape and abuse of power would not go down well with his superiors (especially as Kate has the video he made). He is definitely carefully crooked and this isn’t the only dirt Kate has collected on him. She is very careful not to push him too far, just popping up enough to keep him unsettled but not desperate.

General Burt and Charles Hudson

With the help of a scholarship Harold Nitz organised, Kate went back to school. She obtained another scholarship through Hill Electronics to attend business college. (Even if it’s consensual, it’s still statutory rape if you’re underage. Especially if your wife wouldn’t approve of a fling with a work experience student.) There she met Charles Hudson, who was fun and generous. His father, a widower, was from a rich family. Kate ended up having an affair with both of them simultaneously (the father knew, the son didn’t). So it didn’t go down well when Charles proposed on their graduation day. There was a flaming row between father and son. (Charles didn’t believe his father’s accusations and Kate could get a job acting any time she wanted.) Kate told Charles it obviously wasn’t going to work, broke it off gently, took a large cash settlement from Burt and left them to sort it out. She hasn’t seen them since.

Kent Robinson

Kent works for AT&T. Kate met him at a club while she was on holidays from college. It was probably the first time she’d had sex purely for the fun of it. No strings attached, no hidden agenda, no money changing hands. If the truth be told, she’s just a little grateful to him for proving it was possible. She’s quite fond of him and pops up every so often to see him. They aren’t in love with each other, but he’s still single and it is good sex.

What the Secret Service Know About Kate

Born Susan Jesson on 6 July 1971 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Mother: Linda Jesson. Multiple convictions for DUI, disturbing the peace, soliciting and assault. Currently in jail for manslaughter (killed a lover in a drunken brawl). No known contact with Kate since she was 15.

Father: Listed as unknown on birth certificate.

Susan was twice removed from her mother’s care by Welfare. The first time was when she was 9. Susan rang 911 for help as she’d run out of food. At that stage she had been alone for a week and the mother did not try to claim her for another week. The mother received counselling and succeeded in a court case to have her daughter returned 9 months later. A year later Susan was again removed when an undercover policeman arrested the mother for soliciting. Susan was with her, apparently as lookout.

Susan went through a series of foster homes. Several complaints regarding Susan as unruly, disobedient and citing inappropriate sexual behaviour. She had multiple runaways. Two foster parents later removed from list as being unsuitable for children. (Questions regarding sexual abuse.)

Spent some time on the streets while a runaway. One juvenile arrest for soliciting when 16, which never went to trial. Arresting officer Harold Nitz. Some questions surrounding his handling of the case, but no evidence of impropriety. It was resolved by counselling.

Susan was given a new foster home and a scholarship to return to school. At her request, to help with her new start, her name was changed to Kate Button. Her case is used as a model as she never re-offended and did finish school with very good grades.

Kate attended a business college in Richmond, Virginia on a scholarship through Hill Electronics. She graduated with good grades. She has had several changes of employment with various types of businesses in various parts of the country but mostly large firms (including Synergy Inc. and Van der Kren). All commanded above market wages. None were for more than a year and there are gaps in her employment history.

At 18 she legally changed her name to Kate Hennessey. There is some evidence she has used other aliases, but no evidence of illegal activities.

Kate has no driver’s licence, but does have a passport. She has been to Europe several times, especially France and Italy, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland. Her bank accounts show two recent large deposits from a Swiss bank.

Kate has no ties to anyone, no known long term friends, no family contacts, no business associates. Her health is apparently good, apart from an unexplained heart attack six months ago.

Random Acts of Kindness

  • Gives a red rose to a sad looking girl in the street.
  • Posts two tickets to Miami with a weekend’s hotel accommodation to a nice couple she met in hospital – a couple that never had a holiday. Tickets are in a letter stating the couple won a prize in a competition. The dates are open but must be used within six months.
  • Wants to find someone for Richard. Organizes him in a casual, almost off-hand manner to give a lift to a nice girl at the local deli.
  • Before leaving Cleveland, spends a day with the neighbor’s girl who has a school social to attend. The girl is very depressed as she isn’t terribly popular at school. Does the girl’s makeup, redoes her dress, gives her a diamond necklace and some hints on dancing. Didn’t bother to get the necklace back, so the girl’s mother may visit the house to return it.

Kate leaves Cleveland without notice soon after she recovers from her heart attack. She travels to Zurich to recover a ring and other items from a Swiss bank.

While away, Kate sends a present to Mark addressed to “The Angel of Death”, C/O Remy Hathaway, etc. The present was opened by US Customs and repacked with official tape all over it. Inside is a brown wooden statue of a modern “Michael” type angel dressed in normal clothes with his wings peeking out under his coat. He has a quizzical expression on his face and is examining the back of his hand. Contains an artist’s certificate and a note – “Thought of you, K.” The parcel was posted from Geneva via registered mail. Return address is Catherine de Valle, C/O Bernisch Bank, Zurich.

Kate and Mark

Mark fascinates Kate. He’s strong, powerful, charismatic, sensual, handsome and has great stamina – all the things she looks for in a man. He’s also the first one to ever drop her like a hot cake. It’s a novel experience.

Kate came back to Cleveland because she has to get him out of her system. Her memory was starting to make him the best she was ever likely to get, and that can’t be allowed to get out of hand. He can’t possibly be that good, and she refuses to let false memories sour future relationships. She needs to reassure herself that she’s still irresistible to any man she wants.

Kate will behave as though she has an ongoing relationship with Mark. She’ll kiss him good morning, brush past him, touch him and talk to him that way. She’s intelligent and knows people. She’ll know how far to push it and when to back off, and will err slightly on the side of caution. The people who witness this may not realise what she’s doing. She’s marking her territory, enjoying teasing Mark, and honing her men-skills. There’s a certain piquancy to flirting with danger.

However, underneath this Kate is serious. If Mark decides to test how far she’ll take this, he’ll find out she’s willing and able, Angel of Death or not! If he openly turns her down or makes her feel stupid, Kate will leave never to return.

GM’s Note:

If Mark ever loves Kate, really loves her, he’ll take her with him into the Eternal Realms, i.e. Kate will die. He’s already in deeper than is good for Kate, hence her recent heart attack. That’s why he backed off and ‘dropped her like a hotcake’.

Mark’s view of the passage of time is very different. He’s eternal, so they could date for her entire natural lifespan and he’d still feel like they met yesterday. He’s not in any hurry, especially given the consequence of his love. Does Kate really want him to love her to death so soon? Has she had enough of living already?

Wouldn’t Kate prefer a strong, powerful, charismatic, sensual and handsome Angel of Death with great stamina and a wicked sense of humor who dates her until the end of her days, holds her close as she crosses the threshold, and tells her in the Peace that follows that he’d like to get serious now?

More Random Acts of Kindness

  • Buy a good quality sewing machine. It will be delivered to the girl next door that Kate helped dress for the school social, so she can make her own clothes. Kate will design clothes for the girl if she makes Kate’s clothes as well (part time work for the girl). By the time Kate loses interest, the girl should be able to design and make clothes for sale.
  • Plant colourful and exotic flowers in the front garden, away from the kiln.
  • Play hide and seek with a local child.
  • Send a nice card to Richard from a secret admirer (not in Kate’s handwriting, of course).
  • Place a single rose on Mark’s bed.
  • Investigate fire-proof clothes for James. If Kate can get the material, she’ll make them herself – something terribly trendy.
  • After a chance bit of singing advice to a stranger, Kate has joined a band – “Impressions” – as one of the two front singers. It’s a mostly girl band and they are looking for nightclub gigs. They’ll never make the top ten, but should do well. The other girl is good looking, so they should do well on that alone! Kate is making some of their stage clothes. All the band members are a bit casual and won’t turn up to practice all the time. The band is large enough that this probably won’t matter.