Halav Red-Hair – maker of stone knives, bronze armor, weapons, swordsmanship, warfare, fairness, wisdom. Fighter.
Petra – pottery, bowmanship, medicine, spinning of flax, use of the loom. Cleric.
Zirchev – hunting, horses, dog training, animal skills (cat walking, fish swimming, hawk vision). Magic-User.
Royal Family

Karameikos III, Duke Stefan – (15th Fighter, 52), Thyatian.
Karameikos, Duchess Olivia – (nee Prothemian, 41), Thyatian. Distant cousin to the Emperor of Thyatis.
Karameikos, Lady Adriana – (4th Fighter, 20), Thyatian.
Karameikos, Lord Justin – (2nd Fighter, 18), Thyatian.
Karameikos, Lord Valen – (1st Fighter, 14), Thyatian. Rescued by Vlad and party on the Duke’s Road many miles from Specularum.
Karameikos IV, Lord Stefan – (Fighter, 25), Thyatian, General of the 1st Division of Karameikos, Specularum City Guard (Guard Phorsis).
Eldest son of Duke Stefan Karameikos III and heir to the Grand Duchy of Karameikos. Stefan is Lissa’s betrothed, 6’ tall, very broad shoulders, very strong.
He is handsome with white-blonde hair worn short, purple eyes that shade to dark blue at the edges and a pale complexion. Stefan dresses in black and gold to emphasise his colouring.
At Court
Cordelius, Lord Bartran – (55, Thyatian) – Minister of Trade.
Hyraksos, Admiral Lucius – (12th Fighter, 61, Thyatian) – Minister of War, Head of the Military of Karameikos. Admiral of the Royal Navy, 3rd Division of Karameikos. Wife of 20 years is Katarina, famous Traldaran singer, now retired. Fast friend of Vorloi.
Tisza, Lord Valdo – (40, Traldaran) – Minister of Finance. Was right hand man for Lord Yarol.
Yarol, Lord Zogrev – (9th Fighter, 50, Traldaran) – Minister of State, wife is of the Torenescu Clan, was Secretary for Lord Cordelius.

Flintfoot, Jenkin – (6th Halfling) – Ambassador of the Five Shires, friend of Estella Whitehall, dislikes the Duchess, Osteric and Lady Marianita Valdez.
ibn Hamid, Sheik Abdallah – (11th Fighter) – Ambassador of the Emirate of Ylaruam. Nomad warrior-sheik of the Dythestenian Sultanate, impressed only by great honour, great fighting ability and great beauty. Respects Duke Stefan, despises Schonberg, has a mad passion for Lady Marianita Valdez.
de Leon y Valdez, Lady (Dona) Marianita Lucia – (18th Magic-User, 20?, Glantrian) – Ambassador of the Principalities of Glantri. Adores Lord Korrigan and Shalander, dislikes Osteric and Hamid and flirts with Duke Stefan and Valen to annoy Duchess Olivia.
Nordenshield, Bolto – (8th Dwarf) – Ambassador of Rockhome. Left arm amputated, mining consultant, friend of Estella Whitehall.
Osteric, Lord Cornel – (7th Fighter, 45, Thyatian) – Ambassador of the Empire of Thyatis. Married (family in Thyatis). Ladies man.
Schonberg, Gunter – (11th Fighter, Thyatian) – Ambassador of the Kingdom of Ierendi. Fast friend of Lord Korrigan. Intense dislike of Hamid. Frequents the Black-Heart Lily.

Shalander – (7th Elf, Alfheim, 110) – Ambassador of Alfheim. Ladies man.
Voll, Aladan – (5th Fighter, Minrothad Guildsman) – Ambassador of the Minrothad Guilds. Close friends with Justin and Schonberg. Ex ship Captain.
Whitehall, Estella – Ambassador of Darokin. Friend of Flintfoot and Shalander.

At Church

Church of Karameikos
Jowett, Lord Oliver – (18th Cleric, 75), Patriarch of Specularum – Master, Order of the Griffon. A gentle, good-natured man who preaches the doctrine of his church as the compelling philosophy it is, not as the one true way that many clerics believe it to be.
Magdel – (4th Cleric, mixed family) – Assistant to the Patriarch of Specularum, fierce dislike of Oderbry and his followers. Bright, dedicated young cleric who is very emotional with a black and white outlook on life.
Oderbry, Patriarch Alfric – (14th Cleric, 45, Thyatian) – Opposition Leader
Church of Traladara
Nikelnevich, Patriarch Aleksyev – (11th Cleric, 45) – Intense dislike of Oderbry. Dedicated to the idea of Traladara regaining its Golden Age through peaceful means and directed faith.
Aleksyev is a complicated man. Although he is a formidable warrior-cleric, he is dedicated to bringing his ideals to reality through peaceful means wherever possible.
Though he is determined that Traladaran blood will rule over Traladara again, he thinks this should be done by peaceable assimilation of the Thyatian population into the Traladaran.
Cult of Halav
Sergyev, Patriarch – (9th Cleric), insane, worships the Duke and his offspring.
Estaish, Captain – (10th Elf, Callarii, 150) – Elvenguard, 2nd Division of Karameikos. Chainmail, sword, dagger, longbow. Despises Radu Clan.
Estaish is a member of the Callarii tribe, a hardworking tribe proficient in river boating, riding, horse trading and foresting. Callarii are robust and healthy with blonde to white hair and blue eyes. They wear tunics or robes of green with leaf patterns embroidered on them.
The Elvenguard is entirely composed of Callarii elves, so many elves have met Duke Stefan. The Callarii are favourably disposed toward the Duke.
Karpov, Captain Mikel – (8th Fighter, Traldaran) – Specularum City Guard (Guard Phorsis), 1st Division of Karameikos. Leather armour, shield, sword, dagger, crossbow. Friend to Vorloi.
Korrigan, Lord Alexius – (6th Fighter) – General of the 2nd Division of Karameikos, Elite Guard Units. Seneschal of the Ducal Estate, a first cousin of Duke Stefan.
Korrigan, Captain Varis – (12th Fighter, Thyatian) – Duke’s Guard, 2nd Division of Karameikos. Platemail, two-handed sword, dagger, crossbow. Illegitimate son of Alexius.
The Guilds
Magician’s Guild
Garran, Varis – (1st Magic-User, 17, Thyatian) – Son of the Captain, Castellan Keep.
Teldon – (15th Magic-User, 110, Thyatian), Guild Master – looks 80 (actually pushing 110), a good-natured old man who enjoys appearing to be a cantankerous and forgetful old wizard.
Teldon is an archetypal wizard with flowing white hair and beard and piercing blue eyes. In keeping with his dignified station, he wears robes embroidered with runes which he freely admits are bogus.
Merchant’s Guild
Radu, Anton – Guild Master (deceased)
Logger’s Guild
Edoard – (35, Thyatian), Guild Master – originally from Threshold, blunt and honest.
The Kingdom of the Thieves
Erren – (3rd Thief, 22, Thyatian, blond hair, blue-green eyes)
Flameflicker – (18th Thief, 25, Traldaran), Guild Master
Sarrah – (2nd Thief, 20, Traldaran)
The Clans
Radu Clan (Traldaran)
Radu, Anton – (12th Thief, 63, deceased) – Head of the Clan and (secretly) head of the Veiled Society.
Radu, Antonito – (3rd Magic-User) – Son to Anton.
Radu, Cartha – (6th Fighter, deceased) – Brother to Anton, uncle to Zweis and Antonito.
Radu, Emil and Radu, Pieter – (sons to Antonito)
Radu, Theodosius – (son to Zweis)
Radu, Zweis – (3rd Fighter, deceased) – Son to Anton.
Torenescu Clan (Traldaran)
Theosis – (wood sculptor and craftsman) – Works for Torenescu Clan.
Torenescu, Aleksander – (1st Fighter, 26) – Head of the Clan after his father Christoph died prematurely last year.
Torenescu, Boris – (3rd Fighter) – Younger brother of Christoph, manages clan finances. Uncle to Aleksander.
Torenescu, Simion – (statesman, peacemaker)
Torenescu, Stephanos – (light brown hair) – Son of Boris, first cousin to Aleksander.
Others in Specularum
Tormandros, Lord Lucas – (4th Fighter, 36, Thyatian, black hair, blue eyes) – Townsmaster of Specularum.
Black-Heart Lily Inn
Sforza, Luthier – (5th Fighter, Tavern Keeper)
Yolanda of Luln – (22, Entertainer)
Alya – (25, Traldaran gypsy), the House of Alya (Fortune Telling Shop, Street of Dreams)
Emilio the Great – (Thespian, 50, Darokin wanderer) – Allied with Duchess Olivia. Leader of a theatrical troupe sponsored by Estella Whitehall.
“Lord” Dmitrios – (4th Fighter) – King of the Beggars. Wife and he are cousins to the Torenescu Clan. Friend of Aleksander Torenescu.
Antonic, Teranon – (5th Fighter, 58, Thyatian) – Father to Retameron, runs a school of swordsmanship.
The Veiled Society – disbanded
Anna (14) and brother Elfric (10)
Yolanda and Dmitrios
Barony of Vorloi
Vorloi, Fortunato – (brother of Philip), well-to-do merchant.
Vorloi, Lucia – (daughter of Fortunato), murdered by Radu 7th Yarthmont 1000AC.
Vorloi, Baron Philip – (3rd Fighter, 62, Thyatian) – A successful merchant prince in his native Thyatis, Phillip followed Duke Stefan to Karamekios and became even more successful. Phillip lent money and expertise to Admiral Hyraksos to help build the Royal Navy.
After providing substantial financial support to Duke Stefan, Phillip received a Baronial title and lands to the east of the new capital, Specularum. Phillip built a trade town with its own small harbour, used mainly for family export activities. Phillip began undercutting the prices of the Specularum merchants and effectively won much of their business.
Phillip’s wife Marianna died of illness five years ago. He is contemptuous of Radu Clan. Vorloi servants wear green livery.
Vorloi, Lord Tauron – Fighter, Lissa’s brother and only son of Baron Phillip Vorloi, 6’ 2” tall, dark and handsome with crisply curling dark brown hair, an elegant little pointed beard and thin moustache.
His curly chest hair is revealed by the cut of the white satin shirts he favours. His complexion is pleasantly swarthy, his teeth very white, his eyes dark flashing brown and he is very, very handsome. He wears tight trousers, loose shirts, open waistcoats, etc. Stefan and Tauron are best friends and merchant guardsmen (officers), who act as mercenary adventurers.
Barony of Kelvin
Ashgarth – (1st Fighter, 25, Thyatian, red hair and blue eyes) – Rescued from Skarda’s Mirror.
Kelvin, Lady Alerena – (20, daughter of Desmond) – Engaged to Lord Kaerin Penhaligon.
Kelvin II , Baron Desmond – (10th Cleric, 40, Thyatian) – Patriarch of Kelvin, Member, Order of the Griffon. Paying court to Lady Adriana Karameikos.
The Order of the Griffon is a military order of the Church of Karamekios, with clerics and fighters as members. The Order is a very prestigious society of warriors; its members are constantly adventuring, going on quests to help the Church, the nation and the common man.
Its held to be a great honour to be a Member of the Order, and so each year many young men and women attempt to gain membership.
Barony of Threshold
Arthol, Sergeant – (3rd Fighter) – Town Guard.

Halaran, Aleena – (12th Cleric, 22, Thyatian) – Member, Order of the Griffon. Daughter of Baron Halaran’s brother, Merrik. Parents died of disease a few years ago.
Halaran, Baron Sherlane – (14th Cleric, 62, Thyatian) – Patriarch of the Church of Karameikos. Friend of Lord Olliver Jowett.
Sindar – Elvish merchant and father of the Elf maid, Merisa.
Zira – (4th Fighter, 25, Traldaran, short black hair and blue eyes) – Became one of Skarda’s Elite Guard before aiding escape from the mirror.
Black Eagle Barony – Fort Doom (Halag)
von Hendriks, Baron Ludwig “Black Eagle” – (12th Fighter, 49, Thyatian) – First cousin to Duke Stefan and Lord Alexius Korrigan.
As oily and un-likeable a human being as you could find. Arrogant, easily enraged, easily soothed or distracted; he’s a casual killer but fond of formal torture. He lies so often and so profusely he cannot remember the truth. He is insane.
Ludwig is utterly jealous of Duke Stefan and thoroughly contemptuous of human life, other than his own. He will make any alliance, any bargain (he’ll break them anyway) in order to achieve his ends.
Bargle the Infamous – (15th Magic-User, 30?, Traldaran)

The Iron Ring
Castellan Keep
Garran, Anna – wife of Porthos, and Jason (16) and Michlos(13) – sons of Porthos
Garran, Captain Porthos – (8th Fighter) – Castellan Guard Battalion (“The Mountain Storm”), 4th Division of Karameikos. Leather armour, shield, dagger, crossbow.
Dromilov, Lord Lev – (6th Fighter, 38, Traldaran, black hair, brown eyes) – Fairly amicable with neighbour Vorloi.
Estate of Marilenev
Marilenev, Lady Magda – (55, Traldaran) – Widowed when Lord Marilenev brought about the Marilenev Rebellion, put down 30 years ago by Duke Stefan. Indebted to Torenescu Clan.
Guido’s Fort
The Lion’s Den (Inn)
“Old Timer”
The Hill
Rosabella – (5th Cleric)
Rosalinda – (6th Magic-User)
Meyric – Blue Dragonmage
Hilltopper, Dorfus – Gnome King of Highforge
Sascia, Mistress – (12th Fighter, 28, Traldaran) – Townsmistress. Attempting to protect Luln from the Black Eagle.
Bernal – (4th Cleric, 27, Traldaran) – Evil priest (deceased).
Caldwell, Clifton – (wealthy merchant, shrewd bargainor)
Old Antilles Castle – (5 miles west of Penhaligon)
Penhaligon, Lady Arteris – (9th Fighter, 29, Thyatian, brown hair and eyes) – Ruler of Penhaligon. Daughter of Lord Arturus Penhaligon (deceased).
Penhaligon, Ilyana – (4th Fighter, mixed family) – Illegitimate daughter of Arturus (both deceased).
Penhaligon, Lord Kaerin – (4th Fighter, 26, Thyatian) – Adopted son of Kavorquian the Wizard (deceased) who was the brother of Arturus and uncle of Lady Arteris. Engaged to Lady Alerena Kelvin.
Sarala – (shepherdess, 20, Traldaran, auburn hair, green eyes)
Rifllian and Surrounds
Aeneas – (8th male Centaur, 3rd shaman, 2nd Wicca)
Genevieve – (immature female woodrake)
Plattermann, Stubbs – (1st Halfling)
Prestelle – (3rd female Elf, Callarii) – Chief Trader
Silver Swan Inn
Stellara – (1st female Elf, Callarii)
Lutescu, Lord Vlad – (6th Cleric, 36, Traldaran, brown hair and eyes)
Stallanford (near Penhaligon)
Aralic – (3rd Cleric, 44, Traldaran)
Dalmarek – (Dwarven armourer)
Flatfeet, Harribal – (Halfling, works at Lernan’s farm)
Hungry Halfling Inn
Janner – (old Fighter)
Petrides – (3rd Cleric, 38, Traldaran, black hair, green eyes) – Evil priest (deceased).
Sulescu, Lord Zemiros – (9th Magic-User, Traldaran) – Mage and alchemist. (see St. Germain).
Sylvanhome Forest
Sylvanhome Forest – a day’s ride north of Threshold
Arkayz, Master Lirdrium – philosopher, sage and advisor
Temlin, Jenlar – (7th Fighter)
Alkin, Sergeant – (2nd Fighter, 29, Traldaran)
Andrya – (1st Magic-User, 19, Traldaran, brown hair and eyes) – Member of the Magician’s Guild, apprentice to Lady Halia.
Antonic, Lady Halia – (nee Vorloi, 7th Magic-User, 26, Thyatian, blue eyes and long red hair) – Magician’s Guild of Specularum. Belongs to a minor branch of the Vorloi.
Antonic, Sir Retameron – (9th Fighter, 31, mixed family, brown hair and eyes). He and his wife, Lady Halia, are good friends with Sherlane and Aleena and are staunch supporters of Duke Stefan. He is a very flashy dresser.
Kraigg – (1st Fighter, 18, Thyatian, blond hair and beard, brown eyes) – Raised in Threshold, son of an old adventuring friend of Retameron.
Non-Player Characters – Other
Shandell, Elven Paladin of Danu
Siryn, Aquatic Elf Bard and Woosh, Water Elemental
Viridis, Green Dragon and Dressla, his companion
Zatarn, Human Wizard and Ipolya, Lamia