Fear of Flying

1924 end January – London to Germany by air


Player Characters

Non-Player Characters

MacDonald, Alexandria Mary – author, journalist and photographer (me)
Mandiville, Margarete “Maggie” – English, pilot and adventuress (Jenny), married to Viscomte Roland D’Amberville
O’Donovan, John – famous jungle explorer (George)


Alex was flying to Germany to check on the film-making techniques and equipment being used in that country (rumored to be the best in the world).


While a passenger aboard Tarrant Tabor “The Lady Kate”, Alex intervened when a man tried to kill a wealthy industrialist whose company manufactured chemicals during the Great War. However, the industrialist was shot dead by another man sitting behind Alex.

The second attacker removed a cultist statue from the industrialist’s briefcase and used it to summon a flying monster. The monster attacked the plane but vanished when the cultist controlling it was killed by Maggie. She dumped the statue in the English Channel on the return trip.