Shoggoths at Sea

Also known as Trail of the Loathsome Slime.


London, Bristol, Dakar (West Africa), Recife (South America), Sao Paulo, Port Stanley (Falklands), Griffin Island and return to London.


Player CharactersNon-Player Characters
Hertzeanu, Michal – Romanian born naturalised Israeli, Shin Bet operative turned private investigator (Jenny)Cole, Edward Kenneth – Angela’s cousin
Taylor, Angela (me)Davids, David – ornithologist and greenie, Australian
Wellington, Captain Brian – sailor in the Merchant Marine (George)Rothman, Arnold – 2nd mate and cultist
Williams, Jack – industrialist and entrepreneur (Mike)


Called in by Edward after a murder has occurred.


Russell Corey, a London clairvoyant and occultist, calls Edward, who is also interested in the occult, and arranges a meeting to discuss a mutual subject of interest.  Corey was murdered before the meeting took place. Clues at Corey’s apartment include a 1920s diary of a cultist and items showing Corey’s belief that missing Bird Preservation Society ship Delta Pioneer came to a bad end. The ship’s last known position was Griffin Island near the Falklands.

Party decides to travel on a second research vessel Epsilon Pioneer to Griffin Island to determine what happened to the first ship. Interviews on 9th of November 1983. Sail on January 11th 1984 from Bristol to Dakar (West Africa). Here equipment and supplies were stolen from the ship while most of the crew were on shore leave. Sailed on to Recife (South America), Sao Paulo and Port Stanley.

Before reaching Griffin Island half the crew get very sick, some crazy, due to bread fungus poisoning. Radio destroyed, engine over-revved, one killed while attacking others, four others eventually die. Ship run aground in Griffin Island harbour.

Traces of Shoggoths on the island (destruction, slime, very few penguins). At low tide the wreck of the Delta Pioneer is exposed in the bay. A Shoggoth attacked and sank it. Rothman leaves the ship on his own. As he attacked pursuing crewmen, he is left while repairs continue.

Later the Party leaves the ship to find and destroy the cultist. He is discovered hiding in tidal caves and is killed. The Party retrieves treasure of two ceremonial swords, scale covered book and keys. On returning to the ship, the Party retrieves an arm able Exocet missile from the wreckage of a crashed Skyhawk.

In the evening two Shoggoths attacked the ship. The Exocet rigged up on the bow of the ship destroys one; the Party eventually destroys the other. Three more crew are dead. including Angela’s cousin Edward.

The Party is eventually rescued after sending an SOS on a repaired signaller. They are escorted by destroyer back to the Falklands on March 16th. They have enough scientific and photographic evidence that is collaborated by the rescue team for the authorities to accept their story.