To Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

New York (May 1926), Outer Space and London (May 1984)


Player Characters

Non-Player Characters

Davids, David – (Neil) Ellis, Runyard – a soldier
Hertzeanu, Michal – Romanian born naturalised Israeli, Shin Bet operative turned private investigator (Jenny) Trixie
Jenks, Stanley – ex-Detective Chief Inspector of the C. I. D., Scotland Yard, now a private investigator (Neil) MIB – alien cultist
Taylor, Angela – (me) Mi-go – many
Wellington, Captain Brian – a sailor in the Merchant Marine (George) Vincent, Harry – author and agent of ACW
Williams, Jack – industrialist and entrepreneur (Mike) Wilde, Jonathon – an associate of Wildman’s
  Wildman, Arthur Clarke – super spy associated with the crystal people in Tibet


Invited to a party at the Knickerbocker Hotel, New York City, by Runyard Ellis, who had met Jonathon Wilde.


An alien creature is using advanced technology to defeat the 1920’s police and set himself up as a dictator. His plans include setting off a thermonuclear explosion to generate enough heat and power to summon Cthulhu.

Mi-go from outer space intervene and are overpowered by the alien (MIB) who takes the Mi-go and the Party to his home planet in another solar system.

The Party eventually destroys the alien MIB with assistance from other aliens on the planet, and are eventually returned home to Earth and the time period of their choice. Angela, Harry and Brian return to 1984 at 6.00 pm on the same evening that they left all that time ago. Michal remains in the 1920’s.


Took a thumping in hand to hand combat with the MIB (temporarily defeated him).


£350,000.00 of antiques, valuables, first editions, mint condition 1920’s Stutz Bearcat automobile (red), paintings by 1920’s painters, stamps, coins, jewellery, some designer 1920’s original clothes and gowns, lots of gold.